Chapter 11: Netflix and Chill

Start from the beginning

Now, it just felt like hanging out with a friend or something. She still like-liked him, but not in the same way as before. What she used to see as the perfect object, turned out to be just another person, tumbling about in life as one would.

Is that how people see me? As a perfect individual? She had never thought about it that way.

She turned to see Coiny peacefully sleeping with small breaths. It was at that moment she learned why all romance books and movies seemed to focus especially on those who were sleeping. It was just really cute.

But at that moment and time, there wasn't much to think about. Just an old movie, and her lifelong crush, right beside her.


"Needle, wake up! You're crushing me!" Coiny puffed from underneath her.

She shot up, realizing that she, too, had fallen asleep during the movie. Right on top of Coiny.

"Sorry, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Aside from the fact that you seem to have drooled on me." Coiny teased, wiping the saliva off of his surface.

"Oops, sorry about that." Needle blushed.

"It's okay. You want something to eat?"

"Sure, just get me any-," she gasped.

It was hard to tell in the dark living room, but as Coiny stepped into the bright light of the kitchen, a shine reflected back off him, into the shocked eyes of Needle. The light that came off of him wasn't the shiny copper that she had fell in love with.

It was silver.

"Is- is everything alright?" Coiny's voice went dry.

Needle gulped, "You might want to take a look at yourself in the mirror."

He slowly headed toward the bathroom like he was in a horror film or something. Needle's heart started to race, her mind drifting to the lunch they had just a few hours ago, and those strangely suspicious berries.

"It can't be that bad," Coiny began as he turned on the light, "I mean what could have possible gone wr- AHHHH! What the mint is wrong with my color!?"

He came rushing back out of the bathroom, slamming the lights in the living room. He looked like he just saw a ghost.

I knew something was up with that salad! Needle got up and rushed over to Coiny.

"I look awful! I mean, who would want to be a Nickel?" He wined. "Don't look at me, Needy! I don't want you to see me like this."

Even in times like such, Needle was still not going to ignore the painful insult.

"Don't call me Needy!" She yelled.

She went in for the slap, as usual, but instead of going across his face, her hand seemed to bounce off the surface, ricocheting straight into her flank.

"Ow..." She moaned.

Coiny suddenly stopped complaining. "Oh, sweet, an anti-slap shield! Now I don't feel so bad for my value increasing 5-fold!"

Needle slapped him again, although this time in the arm. As she expected, it hit like a charm.

"Who's laughing now?" She mocked.

"Alright, I get it! Can you stop slapping me now?"

"Hmm, I'll consider the offer."

Coiny fussed, "But seriously, there's something wrong with me. Do you have any idea what could cause this?"

"Um, no, not really. I didn't take object biology in school."

"Great, I guess I'm stuck like this now." He sat down on the carpet as if contemplating his life decisions.

"Why don't you just go to the hospital?"

"I'm on sorta bad terms with them after I stole all their whipped cream."

"You what?"

"Just ignore what I just said."

Needle's mind began to saunter as she tried to think of ways to help her depressed friend. A faint image slowly formed inside her sharp brain. Two sports balls, on larger than the other. She tried to sharpen on the image that had been taken years ago. That's it! They were a golf ball and a tennis ball!

"Coiny, I may know some objects that could help you out."

"You don't say," he sarcastically pouted.

"I'm serious. They may know what's going on with your color."

Coiny sighed, "Alright then, hit me."

"Do you remember back in high school there were these two balls?"

"Literal or metaphorical?"

"Shut up, Coiny." Needle retorted at his inappropriate joke. "Anyways, you know Golf Ball and Tennis Ball?"

"Ooohhh!" Coiny realized, "Those two! Aren't they dating?"

"I don't know about that. What I do know is that Golf Ball is a scientist."


"She's smart."

"Oh. You mean she could help me?"

"She's reasonably the best shot you've got."

Coiny hesitated for a few seconds. "Might as well take it. Do you know where they are?"

Needle hope fell as Coiny found the hole in her plan. She had no idea where the sport globules were. In fact, she didn't know anyone who was close to them. Most people avoided the introverted nerds back in high school, and the ones who did notice them were now either in some other country or were the kind of people who lived in their basement and haven't seen sunlight in seven years.

Then, she was reminded of an odd meeting her dad had a long time ago.

But, but that means... Snap out of it, Needle! It's to help Coiny!

"Not exactly, but I do know someone who does."

"Then what's the holdup? Let's go!"

"One small problem: It's my dad."

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