Chapter 32: Tessa

Start from the beginning

Two hours later, we are out the door heading to Kim's hotel. Nora brought Addy with her, and she won't stop crying in the back of the car.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive so you can sit back there with her?"

"It's okay." Nora yells over Addy's screams. "She is probably just hungry. When Landon and I drive, usually one person sits in the back with her."

"I can sit in the back if you want."

"Are you sure?" Nora asks.

"Yeah, of course." I get into the back seat and sit down. Her face is all red from crying, and her tiny mouth is open.

"Here. Give her this." She hands me a stuffed animal. "She sleeps next to it, so it'll calm her down."

I take the stuffed animal, and hold it up to a wailing Addy.

"Look Addy, a stuffed elephant!"

"Mr. Elephant." Nora says.

"Okay... Mr. Elephant!" I say with a smile on my face. I wave the thing around. I take the little trunk of the elephant and rub it against Addy's arm. Her eyes open at the touch of the elephant. She is still whining, but her screaming has stopped.

I continue to wiggle the elephant in front of her, making some fake animal sounds to go along with it.

"It's working. Nice job, Tessa." Nora says from the driver's seat.

I put the elephant down for a split second, and Addy starts to wail yet again.

"Okay, okay." I wiggle the elephant stuffed animal in her face to cease her crying.

This is gonna be me. In six or less months, I am going to have a baby of my own who I'm going to have to comfort. It's heartwarming, exciting, and terrifying all at the same time. When I was little, I had a tiny stuffed bear that I would sleep with every night. I like how Nora and Landon find something that gives Addy so much peace.

"Wedding day, Ahhhh!" Kim yells as she opens the door to her hotel. "I'm so excited!"

"I'm gonna feed her quickly while you two get situated." Nora excuses herself to the bathroom so she can breastfeed Addy.

"Come, come, let's get you ready!" She pulls me over to a chair by the large window, where the sun is shining super bright.

"Sorry, natural light helps with making sure the makeup looks good, but you can keep your eyes closed." She smiles at me. "So what were you looking for?"

"I don't know, something natural. I don't want it to look too cakey, you know? Hardin doesn't even like when I wear makeup, so I want it to be very minimalistic."

"I get it. Well, maybe we'll do some nice pinks and browns to help bring out your eyes."

"I trust you, Kim. Whatever you think will look good. Where's Christian?"

"He's getting ready to head over to Hardin's to make sure he's on time with getting ready and stuff. Vance is wondering though, who's gonna walk him up to the altar?"

Oh shit. I didn't even think of that. His mum is the obvious choice, but Ken or Vance is the more complicated decision. I don't think Hardin is gonna walk up with anyone, considering that the relationship with all three of his parents is kind of rocky. I don't know though.

"I have no idea, he'll have to discuss that with Hardin. It's ultimately his decision of whether or not he wants to have people walk him up to the altar. Considering that no more than twenty five people will be at this wedding, I don't think it's necessary."

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