Part 17: Birthday

Start from the beginning

You smiled. "Of course."

As he turned to leave you slapped his butt, making him turn back to you with wide eyes and a red face. Now it was your turn to laugh.

"Not cool." He said while shaking his head.

"Ya big baby." You teased as he walked backwards away from you.

He smirked. "I'll get you back for that."

He turned and walked over to his friends, not waiting for your reply.

*** *** ***
"Mr. Miyagi invited us to his house today." Daniel said as he started to pedal in the opposite direction of your apartment. You hadn't seen him in a while and were excited for the visit.

"Okay, but mom's baking us a surprise cake so we can't stay very long."

"How is it a surprise cake if you know about it?" Daniel teased.

"She doesn't know I know. And I intend on keeping it that way."

Once you got there, you were surprised to see a cake made for you two. Mr. Miyagi came singing his heart out while you and Daniel were blowing party horns in each others ears until he placed the lit cake in front of you both.

"Make wish." Mr. Miyagi said as he eagerly looked at the two of you.

"Oh man, I know what I'm wishing for." Daniel said with a smile.

You on the other hand didn't know what exactly to wish for. Things were going great for you. Daniel and you were as close as ever, and Johnny and you were making large strides forward in your relationship. It was too bad they didn't get along.

Your face lit up as you came up with your wish. Together, you and Daniel blew out the many candles spread across the cake.

Next thing you knew, a delicately wrapped present was placed into your hands.

"Awe Mr Miyagi what'd you do. You didn't have to do this." Daniel said as he was handed a present of his own.

Curious, you unwrapped it to find a small cherry wood box. Inside was a beautifully made bracelet with a bonsai tree pendant holding it together.

"Oh wow." You breathed out.

Mr. Miyagi took a hold of your hand as well as the bracelet. His nimble fingers clipped the bracelet to your wrist as he smiled gently to himself. "It belonged to Mrs. Miyagi. Now you."

Your mind went over what he said. He must miss her with all his heart. "If you ever want this back, I'll understand."

"I know you understand." He said as he squeezed your hand one last time before letting go.

You looked over to see Daniel putting on a karate gi with a matching bonsai tree on the back.

Mr. Miyagi placed a piece of cake in front of you and you happily dug in.

"You get driver license?" You heard Mr. Miyagi ask both you and Daniel.

"Oh yeah, yeah look!" An ecstatic Daniel took his license out of his pocket and held it up for him to see.

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