"You two, London tomorrow once again because we're going to have a meeting with Sam. He will allow me to make the final decision, even though I am in my rights to do whatever I please."

"She has a contract for the year." Niall pointed out while I stayed silent.

"I made the contract, legally, I am able to do what ever the fuck I want with it, that includes ripping them up." He smiled.

"Michael please don't." Niall began to beg.

"You two have angered me so much, I swear to god, you're lucky I'm not kicking her out of the hotel right now."

"You couldn't do that anyways, you're only our tour manager, or should I say co, seeing as Paul was here first." Niall stated.

"Paul." He rolled his eyes. "He's a dipshit."

"Shut the fuck up and leave him alone, I've known him a lot longer than I have known you." Niall eyed him up and down.

"Whatever, we are having a meeting tomorrow, I'll sort out the flights." Michael sighed. "You two are seriously adding to my already tight schedule, I don't have time for this." He groaned.

"Then don't fire Jenny." Niall shrugged.

"If I fired her most of my problems would be gone." Michael sharply said and I gasped. "Go to your room now just ugh-" He pulled at his hair.

"Please don't fire her." Niall pleaded.

"Shut the fuck up and leave, right? I honestly can't even think straight right now, I am just so pissed off." He said and I stood up, following Niall.

"Please don't fire me." I say before I leave the room. "My mother will kill me." I say and his expression softens but only for a second.

"Just go." He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

I followed Niall back into our hotel room and I sat down on the bed, placing my head in my hands.

"Niall, this is not good." I look up at him with watery eyes.

"Darlin' come here, oh I'm sorry, this is all my fault." He sighed and came over, pulling me onto his lap.

"How is it your fault?" I asked.

"I was the one desperate to have sex, if I didn't beg you, we wouldn't of gotten caught and then we wouldn't be in this situation." He said, looking at me with regret in his eyes.

"No Niall, I knew we weren't allowed to have sex, I could have said no." I shook my head, not wanting to make him feel bad about this because hey, it's not his fault.

"Jenny, I was crying because you didn't have sex with me, don't say you had a choice because you didn't." He played with a string of my hair.

"I did so have a choice, you were just self concious, I still could have said no." I tried to make him feel better.

"Shut up, you know it's my fault, let me have it." He sighed.

"Please Niall, no it's not." I reach up and kiss him. "We broke the rule together, so it's both our fault." I say but he shakes his head and looks up at the ceiling.

"This is fucking shit." He grumbled.

"But why didn't he just let me go to college, now I am going to have to go back to London and find another shitty job for the year and oh God- what will my mother say." I put my face in my hands.

"Darling no, I will take care of you and if he fires you you're staying on tour wiith us, if that's what you want?" Niall asked.

"No, I wanted to go to college but now I can't go." I begin to cry.

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