I suddenly become even more conscious of the silver I have hidden in my sleeve. I ought to get out of here, who knows who they are. I'm still not sure that I'm alive. "No, thank you, I ought to be going now-"

"Sit." The taller commands, his voice leaving no room for argument as he glares at me. 

I sit. 

"I am Alatar," the shorter smiles, and I am taken aback by his eyes, which are a brilliant blue, almost glowing. They remind me of my own, a little. "This is Pallando." He gestures toward his friend. 

I nod, shoving another piece of bread and cheese into my mouth so I don't have to continue the conversation. They are rather intimidating, with their strange eyes and unreasonably good food. They look human, barely, but I get the feeling that they are not. But they do not have pointed ears like and elf, and are far taller than a dwarf, so they must be men. 

"What do they call you?" Alatar prompts, sitting down beside Pallando. Pallando is still eating, but Alatar has yet to even look at the food. 

I swallow rather ungracefully, taking a reprieve from eating to answer him. My stomach hurts slightly now; I may have eatenbri a little too fast. "Tasha." 

Pallando leans forward, glaring at me again. "What do they really call you?"

I get the feeling that they can see through any lies I might think of telling, so I suck it up and answer honestly, though I do not want to. "Raelyn." I look between the two, and I wonder if they have also lied to me. "Who are you really?"

Alatar chuckles, and the ice in the room seems to melt a little, as the two men share a secretive grin. "We're the two blue wizards, Alatar and Pallando. Two of the Five Istari. Embodiment's of the Maiar. We are the guardians of the world, the protectors of the light."

I blink, confused. "Who?"

"Were you not listening?" Pallando demands, looking angry. "Have you never heard of us?" I shake my head, wondering if they will launch into an incredibly boring explanation that I will not listen to at all. 

"We're wizards," Alatar cuts in, summarising briefly. "Why were you unconscious on the side of the road?"

"I was walking," I explain, as Pallando scoffs, rolling his eyes. 

"We know that," he groans, continuing to glare. I wonder if that is a glare, or if his face is just permanently stuck in that position. I don't think it has changed at all since he first saw me. "Where were you walking to?"

I shrug. I don't know how to answer that, because I don't know where I was going. My village has never had a name, the nearest village has none either, and I don't even know which direction I was walking in. We were nameless, useless and none knew of us, so now that they are gone nobody will even care. We have been forgotten. 

"Fine." He throws his hands in the air, glaring at his brother, who shrugs. "Where were you walking from?"

"My village." I tell him, knowing that I'm not being very helpful, but not particularly caring. I just want to get out of here. 

"Does this village have a name?"

"No." I say, and now Alatar looks mildly amused as he watches me.

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