Chapter 10: The Blind Boy's Sister

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Akatsuki ran, holding a katana in each hand, slicing through the sprinters which came at him, as he ran down the trail which Yami and Jiyu had been going, He glanced over at the two ledges which were 8 feet apart and shook his head at the chance. Then, he looked back over at the steep rock wall which he was running towards. Then, he yelled out a loud, loud clicking noise. Then, he grinned and ran straight at the wall until he was no more and no less than a meter away and leaped, thrusting his hips forward, landing with his feet on the wall, he swiftly and quickly slammed his fingertips into the terrain, the rock which he hit breaking with the exact right amount of pressure, then he yanked them out, leaped up a bit to the right, and did the same thing as he had just done, repeating this, climbing and climbing until he got to the top of the terrain, rolled over, got back to his feet and immediatly resumed running, not hesitating for a single second. His determination was extreme this time. He grunted and continued running, using his footsteps for echo-location, not making anymore noise than neccesary. He ran, and ran, and ran, and ran, and only continued running until a rock was thrown at him, it wasn't very large, only about 3 inches or so big, but if he hadn't slid at exactly the right time, it would have been fatal as it was aimed right between his eyes. He thought intensely, I've never seen anybody aim that accurately except for Deatta.. and... Her... Then, he flipped to the side, using his hand to boost him up into the air, feet first, just barely dodging two other stones, landing firmly on all fours, then he immediatly got up without any hesitation and ran until he saw a cloaked figure. The figure tossed a rock up about 7 or 8 inches into the air, then caught it in the same hand it had came from, repeating the process, then stopping at about 6 cycles in and throwing it at Akatsuki, who caught it with swift reflexes in a single hand, just barely sheathing his smaller katana in time, then sheathing the other katana which he had out, unsheathing the middle-sized one which was only three feet long. Then, Akatsuki threw the stone into the air, and swung his blade up at it as it came down. You couldn't see him swing it, all you could see was his blade pointing forwards, and then almost instantly pointing skywards. The stone split in half, directly down the middle. Slowly, The figure reached inside their cloak and took out what looked like a small miniture battle axe. The handle was of bamboo and it was a double-sided battle axe. Then, Akatsuki firmly called out, "You won't beat me with that... Not a weapon as small as it..." Then the figure spoke in a voice that seemed very familiar to Akatsuki, "You overestimate your knowledge..." Then, she swung the axe at the ground, the handle coming out from inside itself, in multiple layers until the axe's handle was about 5 feet long, the whole axe itself being around 6 feet, taller than the actual figure themselves. Akatsuki grunted and pointing his katana at the figure. The figure replied with an identical action, pointing their own weapon at Akatsuki. Then, in less than a few seconds the two were a meter away from each other, their blades clashing, and grinding against each other, then once again with almost impossible speed the two disappeared and reappeared, spinning around, their backs to each other. They stuck their weapons out both to their rights, then swung them forwards only a bit, then swung them right back, but before they could finish their swings, they leaped a bit, both spinning at insane, inhuman like speeds to the point where you couldn't even see them. Then just like nothing, they reappeared about three feet off the ground, their blades clashing, not even a second until they made distance again, making about three meters between them, landing on the ground behind themselves, their weapons still to their rights, then they leaped up with the same, inhuman-like speed that they had been moving at during the entire fight, their blades clashing over and over again, until finally they both leaped back, by now it had been almost 3 minutes of nothing but attacking and blocking. Not a single drop of blood had been shed yet. It was dark and they could barely see each other, Akatsuki's light grey hair wasn't exactly the most visible thing in the world at night, and neither was his pale skin. But his purple eyes stood out, to the point where it seemed like they almost glew in the dark. Their feet skidded across the rocky floor, their legs close to their chest and spread a bit as their weapons were now held out to their lefts, and they stopped their momentum by letting their hands skid across the terrain, until they came to a full stop, kicking up a bit of dust. Then, not even a second later, when the dust cleared their blades clashed and rebounded, clashing again, as they only did the same thing as they had just done before leaping back up again, kicking up a bit of dust, yet again. Akatsuki breathed heavily and couldn't tell if the figure was as well. Damnit, I'm at a disadvantage... I need to end this quick, my stamina's going really quickly, this fight is unlike any other I've ever fought, just who is this person..? Akatsuki thought to himself, staring at the figure. Then, he slowly unsheathed his longer katana, and spoke firmly, grinning a bit, "Time to get serious..." He smirked and beared his eyebrows down, running with the same speed at the figure, both katana's to his side, cutting through the air, not creating any drag as he ran, and swung both in a pincer motion at the cloaked figure, as they quickly slid back, using their axe to block it from hitting her head. Then a sound, louder than any other so far was made as the blades clashed, and the figure couldn't move the axe, it was trapped between Akatsuki's katana's. The two were at a complete stalemate now as the figure quickly looked up, laughing a bit and twisting the top of the axe handle, calling out firmly, "You loose!!" Then, the axe blades seperated, an arrow being revealed, it was strung inside like you would string one in an arrow, then the axe blades sliced through the air, crashing down until they stopped, sending the arrow flying as the string shot it, the arrow swiveling in the air. Akatuski only barely dodged it, swinging his head back, then immediatly looking back down at the figure as their hood fell off. It revealed the figures light grey hair, and light violet eyes, her hair was very well kept and put into 5 ponytails at the back. Their mouths both gaped open at who they saw, then they spoke in sync, both having tones of confusion in their voices, "A-Akatsuki-Nii?" "Y-Yugure-Nee?"

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