The Meeting

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After I finished with my shoot today we met up with the woman from the shelter that I hope, our future child currently lived in.

"Hi how are ya?" She said in a southern accent. We shook her hand and sat in front of her. "I've been doing pretty well. We're excited." I said to her and she smiled.

"So you're here because you are interested in adopting a child. Do you know what your looking for specifically?" He asked and Nick and I looked at each other. "We definitely want a girl. And with the way our schedules are a baby isn't ideal so we were thinking maybe in the range of 7-14, maybe." She smiled and started typing on her computer. "All of our younger were adopted with the exception of one. Little Marlowe. Sweetest little thing." She explained as she began typing away.

"Why's that?" Nick asked and Ms, Margaret sighed taking her glasses off and looking over at us. "Usually adopters meet them first and then I give them run around about them but i guess I'll make an exception.

She's got a small risk for type 1 diabetes. She's a recovering from an eating disorder and she's mute. She can speak, she just hasn't in the two years I've known her, since I've transferred here." She explained and I looked to Nick and he looked back at me. He nodded and I wiped under my eyes and took a deep breath.

"We'd like to meet her." Nick said and he squeezed my hand. "Very well. When would you like to meet her?" Nick answered after we had an agreement. "Today?" And she smiled widely. "Great. All the kids are at school, she should be in the library right about now. I'll take you to her. Oh and she does well with asl so if you guys are familiar with it that's fine or I can translate for you." We sat a few minutes in silence and read her file before nodding.

We followed her out of her office and outside to another building. Nick opened the door for us and closed once we were through before we walked down a hall in front of a door labeled library.

"Just be patient with her. Let me catch her up before you guys come in." She knocked on the door and smiled up at us. "Sweetie. May I come in?" A few moments later we heard three soft knocks on the other side and Ms. Margaret opened the door and held up a finger telling us to wait.

"Please take off your shoes before entering." She said. Nick and I both took off our shoes as did she before she stepped inside. "I'm nervous." I say to my husband.


"Hey sweetheart. I've got some people that'd like to come and talk to you, is that okay?" She asked and of course i nodded my head and, Ms. Margaret walked towards the door and opened it wider, allowing a man and a beautiful woman in. "Mister and Misses Jonas. I'd like you to meet, Marlowe Grace. Marlowe this is Nick and his wife Priyanka." I book marked my spot, in the book i was reading and looked up at the man and woman who had entered just now. They wore huge smiles of excitement while I just gave a shy, small smile.

It's nice to meet you.

"She said "it's-

"'Nice to meet you'. Same here." I was impressed that she knew sign. I hope they're nice. "She can hear you so you don't have to do ASL. Just understand it." Ms. Maggie said to them and they nodded.

"Alrighty then. I'll come check in, in 30." And with that she closed the door as they sat down at the table next to me. "So what are you reading there?" The woman, Priyanka asked. I looked down at my book and set it on the table before turning it and sliding it to them slightly.

"War and Peace. That's a hard book to read. You must read a lot." The man Nick said. I nodded and grabbed my notebook out of my bag and started writing to them.

I loved to read, i do it all the time. What are you doing here, if you don't mind me asking?

"Of course not. We are here visiting. Getting know you guys. So tell me about yourself. Your likes, dislikes. We want to know whatever you want to tell." I nodded my head before writing down in my book.

My favorite colors are red, black and gold. Especially together, I love to read and write, I like the monkey bars and I like music.

I slid over the notebook and the man grabbed it and read it this time. He smiled and looked up at me. "Music, huh? What's your favorite song?"

It's this song by this group. I don't know their name but it's a song called burning up.

Mr. Jonas smiled before pulling his phone from his pocket and clicking a few things before music started playing. It was that song. I loved this song. I smiled a bit wider even if it was tight lipped. "This the song?" He asked and I nodded. It was familiar and I heard it on my bunk mates radio.

"Believe it or not. That is actually my older brothers and I. When we were just a few years older than you are now." He said and I looked at the picture and up at him.

That's so cool. My sister and I use to sing all the time together.

I smiled sadly at the thought and watched as they read it. "Where's your sister now, if you're comfortable to tell us?" I sighed with a sad smile, before turning a few pages back in the notebook. I pulled out the newspaper clipping from a few years ago.

I slid it over to them and Priyanka slowly picked it up.

Bullied to Death
11 year old orphan Rylee Quinn found hanging in orphanage after being a target of bullying. When will it end?

She was a special one, my sister. She's safer now.

"Oh sweetheart. We had no idea." I smiled and wiped the single tear from under my eyes. It's okay. I didn't mean to be a mood killer. I apologize.

Priyanka shook her head and Nick started to protest aloud. "No sweetheart. I didn't mean to pry. You're okay." I  smiled and started fidgeting with the necklace around my neck. It was something I did when I'm nervous. I hope i didn't freak them out.

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