「 surprise homelessness 」

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Zelk gazed at the fiery ball of yellow flame as it billowed outwards, swallowing it's surroundings in the blast. The ground tremored, the noise reverberating throughout the previously peaceful village. 

"Shit," he said eloquently, gazing at the blazing pile of rubble...which was once his house.

There were three reactions he received after telling everybody. One was bewilderment, which he got from Bad and Neon, the next was laughter, which he got from Skeppy and vurb, and the last was judgemental silence...which was from no other than Mega.

'Dumbass' was what the mute wrote on his notepad before leaving to go survey the damage. 

Zelk turned back to the others. "So...are there any other houses open?"

Skeppy was just finishing his laughing fit. "Uhh, maybe? You can't live with me if that's what your asking-"

Bad cupped his chin, eyes narrowed. "You could sleep outside for a few days..." 

Zelk blinked. "I think I'm good. I'll go find someone else to stay with," 

Much easier said than done. 

Apparently, blowing up your own house makes people less willing to invite you into theirs.

He tried everyone. Heck, he got so desperate he asked Vurb...but immediately backed off when the weirdo began rambling about how Zelk could sleep with the kids in his basement. 

Finn said no, Bad and Skep said no, Neon said no...

Zelk sighed, plopping down beside the pile of rubble that was once his house. "Sleeping outside can't be that bad, right?"

Then he realized.  

He hadn't asked everyone. 

There was a certain uncute mute who could be pretty easily bribed...

𝘽𝙀𝙏𝙏𝙀𝙍 𝙇𝙀𝙁𝙏 𝙐𝙉𝙎𝘼𝙄𝘿  | ᴢᴇʟᴋᴘᴠᴘWhere stories live. Discover now