"I'm not one who writes notes or letters, so..." Naeun ignored him.

She read each line carefully:

Always wear this bracelet

And think of me

Always be healthy

I wish only good things for you

I will protect you 

(Cue Please Don't Cry - Davichi)

Naeun's eyes began to tear again, "Mian-hae."

"Yah, you said we should stop apologizing to each other," Taemin said as he grabbed a box of tissue from her desk.

"I know, I know...it's just...Ahhhh," her tears refused to stop.

"Uljima," he whispered, giving her another tissue.

"Eung.." she sobbed.

Ten tissues later, Taemin spoke again, "Happy New Year."

"Eh? Is it New Year already?!" Naeun quickly snatched her phone from the counter and checked the date.

January 1, 2021.

She'd been moping for almost a week; Naeun felt pathetic. Usually, she'd see fireworks bursting in the air, but since the weather had been very unkind the past few weeks, the event was canceled due to strong wind currents.

"What a wonderful way to start the new year," she said sarcastically.

"I agree," Taemin said sincerely, "You found out about your forgotten past, you sulked about it.."

Naeun frowned at him, "Taemin, you're not-"

"Hear me out," he cut her, "You moped about it, confessed to your mom about it, cried more, ignored your friends and family..."

She sighed, "Tae-"

"And that's just how life is. It's full of happiness, but also misery; full of fun, but also pain. But in the end, you'll learn to overcome it."

Naeun didn't look convinced. So, Taemin continued, "You may not be completely over all of them, and it'd probably take a few weeks or months for that, but with each passing day, you'll wake up feeling better and stronger than the day before." He then pointed at the silver chain around her wrist, "And when you feel like you're falling back into the shadows, I'll be right there to pull you out of it. Not just me, but everyone - Krystal, Eunji, Kai, Key, your family - we're all here for you. So please, don't push us away." A soft smile formed on his lips when he finished.

"And you said you weren't good at consoling people," Naeun pouted.

"I surprise myself every day too." That made Naeun smile.

Taemin smiled in return, "There's that beautiful smile." He stood up and gestured to her outside, "C'mon, someone else wants to see that beautiful smile of yours."

Naeun's jaw dropped at the sight in front of her.

Mommy Son was in the kitchen grilling beef. Key was beside her helping.

Kai and Saeeun were setting up the table, Eunji was washing the vegetables, and Krystal was preparing the side dishes.

Mommy Son was the first to notice their presence, "It's about time you two got out; I was about to wonder if all these beef would go to waste."

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