Teen Titans: Rescuing Starfire

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A/N: Hey, you wanna know what happens when your reward for saving someone else is a FREAKING kiss to the mouth? Find out.

"You wish to happens when you stand with superheroes?"

Ruby and Nora gleamed.

The bad guys just rolled their eyes.


A team of teenagers in costumes were driving by the highway in a Warthog-esque vehicle. From the back seats was a young woman dressed in a themed costume like a bee, center is a green skinned boy clad in black and purple hue with freckles fiddling with a cellphone, and a yellow and red hued boy. In front is a young Robin Hood lookalike but colored red and has a black eye mask and in the driver's seat was a blonde boy in a red uniform with an "R" logo, black pants, green mask that covers his eyes and a yellow coat.

"Man, what's Jauney digging up for? A kindergarden convention?" Coco joked, only to get a death stare from Velvet "Chill, bun-bun, I'm just kidding!"

"Can't recognize the hooded kid, but who's the greenie in the back?"

"I think that's me, Miss Xiao Long." Oscar stated out of the blue.

"Oh Oscar, could you just call me Yang instead? I'm not even an adult. And why's that lady taking up MY colors?"

"Not everything yellow is about you, Yang."

"Speed it up, will ya? You're driving like my granny."

Coco and Velvet gleamed in familiarity of their blind teammate.

"We're moving at the flow of traffic." The audience knew that voice all too well.

"When I do I get to drive?" 

Pyrrha and Nora looked at their silent teammate and brother, who looked confused.

"My car. So never."

As Oscar yapped on signing up for Twitter, Reese states if it's pizza is all he boy thinks about, but Fox defends Oscar.

Their little drive eventually came to an end when a purple portal pops out.

"Flash, go find out."

"On it." Fox jumped out of the car and raced in speeds faster than Robin's car.

Ruby cheered for Fox's speed.

They eventually raced up front and stopped at the middle of the highway to take a more closer look on the commotion.

A red haired young woman clad in purple women's sports clothing with combat skirt was flying in the scene, being chased by aliens with flight. She eventually looked at Robin, who looked back in surprise.

Jaune's potential harem grumbled in jealousy. It didn't take a genius to find out who that was.

Pyrrha made a Cheshire grin at recognizing her other looking at Jaune.

"Wait. What's with P-Money's eyes?"

Eternity explained "In this universe, she's not human. She's a heiress of a Tamerenean kingdom. In short, she's a princess."

Weiss gaped and looked at a stunned Pyrrha.

Cinder became more jealous than usual.

"Big week for us. First we stopped the Fearsome Five." Ren suggested.

"They were so pissed. 'You'll pay for interfering with us!' blah, blah, blah."

"And now we get to stop an alien brawl."

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