69 0 2

It was finally the day I was to meet Mrs. Lee. I was nervous since morning and wasn't able to concentrate on anything.

1:50. I'm going out at 1:50 and arrive exactly at 2 o'clock.

Naturally, I ignored my promise to self and went out at 1:46. My bag swung from my shoulder as I pitter pattered across the road.

It was a fine day with a touch of sadness. The clouds were slowly passing by, stopping their race from time to time. I took deep breaths as I passed the mountain and the many buildings that lined the road to school.

I felt my heart beat faster the closer I got the the cafe. Finally, I arrived at the wooden doors of the 5 story building. 

I set my hand on the handle and gripped it lightly. I checked to see if the door had to be pushed or pulled(It was annoying when I pushed and it was suppoed to be pulled to open) and entered, pushing the door as it didn't say anying.

Immediatly, I felt vulnerable. It was as if everyone was watching me, expecting my to cry. I gripped my bag tighter and looked around for Liam's mother. 

"Lyla?" I turned at her voice. Although I'd only met her two times, I still remembered how she sounded. But the curious thing was, her once bright voice was now a little hoarse and smaller in volume.

"Mrs. Lee. Hello." I bowed slightly and moved to the seat she had saved. I set my bag in the seat beside mine and rested my hands on my lap.

"Would you like a drink, Lyla?" she questioned. I shook my head.

"Here." Mrs. Lee reluctantly passed the book and letter to me. As I guessed, a book with a gloomy-looking cover and golden letters spelling'Mary, Bloody Mary'  was presented.

Seeing it again now, it seemed more gloomy and dark. The flowers princess Mary was holding looked poisonous and dangerous. I inwardly shivered, imagining what-or who- she was looking out at. Perhaps Anne Boleyn, the second Queen of Henry VIII? Or her half sister, the daughter of Anne?

When I saw the letter, my heart skipped a beat and the world slowed down. Knowing Liam, I thought he'd decorate it with green leaves and grass.

Instead, all that was on the envelope was 'To Lyla' and my adress, written to where my room was in a small handwriting.

I slowly traced the edge of the envelope, pausing to press my thumb into an edge to see if I was dreaming.

I wasn't.

I didn't know if it was a good thing or not, considering I'd have difficulty sleeping after reading the letter.

"Lyla..." I jerked back into reality at the sound of Mrs. Lee's voice. 

"Yes?" I put the envelope down onto the book and met her eyes, which was looking at me with a hint of motherly love.

For whom, I had no idea.

"I'm sorry you got caught up in this because of my son. I should have cared for him more, I realize that now." a single tear ran down her face.

Now is too late, lady, you should've realized and put it into action sooner. Bitter words penetrated my thoughts.

I smiled(although it wasn't anything more than the tip of my lips going up forcefully) and said, "I don't regret the time I spent with Liam. He helped me go through a lot of things and I don't know if-" I stopped. Should I tell her my past? Would it help? 

"Are you alright, Lyla?" I saw her bite her lip.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just- just thinking what to say." I brushed her attention away. As much as I liked attention, I didn't want it coming from the person who led Liam to the dark road and made him follow it.

"You don't have to talk about it, it's totally fine." she took a sip of her coffee. "I wouldn't want to go home sad anyways, I don't want to worry Jackie."

Wow. You really did care a lot about your eldest son. I m very amazed.

"Okay, then." I stared at her. "Did you have anything more to tell me?" I asked her when she started to text someone.

"What? Oh, no, I didn't." Mrs. Lee stood up. "Would you like a ride back home, Lyla?" 

"No thanks, I'm alright." I stood up as well and collected my new belongings into my bag. "Thank you for meeting me." Not really, I'm just being polite.

"No problem, Lyla. If you need me, you're free to call me any time. Goodbye,"

"Yeah, goodbye." I bowed slightly to her before briskly starting my walk back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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