18 - Draco Row The Boat Ashore

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I gratefully picked up my coffee, inhaling its blissful scent before I took the first longing sip.

It had been a long first week and I was enjoying a much needed Sunday catch up with my two best friends in our favourite coffee shop.

"Is it really that bad?" Ginny asked, rubbing her huge stomach as she sipped on her chamomile tea.

"They are all literally there solely to drool over Draco Malfoy." I groaned. "Not one of them are interested in actually learning anything about art, and if they have any questions it's always along the lines of 'When is Draco's birthday?' What is his favourite colour?' It makes me want to scream."

"June the fifth and green." Luna said serenely as she retrieved some sort of glittering pink powder from her pocket which she then proceeded to sprinkle over her pumpkin juice.

I blinked at her.

"What?" she added, upon clocking mine and Ginny's flabbergasted expressions. "I like to read. Especially about one as so dashing as the Slytherin Prince."

"Ew," Ginny cried, horrified. "What is it about that slimy git that all the women seem to love? I just don't see it. Personally I think there is nothing more attractive than a sexy lightning bolt shaped scar and a pair of intellectual looking glasses. Isn't that right, Ivy?"

"Uh, sure," I said, feeling it best that maybe I should keep my true feelings at bay. "Although, obviously I do understand that Malfoy has a certain quality about him which makes him an artist's dream."

"Oh yes, especially that yummy father of his." Luna said, her eyes flashing wickedly. "It's obviously a Malfoy thing."

"Can we please remember who we are talking about here?" Ginny said, furrowing her brow worriedly at Luna. "They were Death Eaters who not only tried to help an evil wizard kill my husband once upon a time, but also locked you up in their cellar for four months, Luna!"

"Oh well, that's all in the past now," Luna shrugged taking a sip of her juice. "Besides, they were only acting on orders. I doubt Draco even knew I was down there."

"He did," I said quickly, feeling I needed to jump to his defence. "But he reassured me at the time that you were safe and well."

"I'd hardly describe being locked against your will in a basement with the bare minimum of food and water and nothing but a decrepit old man for company as being safe and well!" Ginny spluttered, slamming her cup loudly down on the table and causing the other customers to look uneasily over at us. "IT WAS BARBARIC!"

"Calm down, Ginny," I hissed. "Think of your blood pressure!"

"I'm sorry," she said, shifting uncomfortably in her chair. "I'm just fed up of being pregnant. It's making me so moody. Every time I look at Harry I just want to add another scar to his face."

"I thought you just said you found him sexy?" Luna pointed out. "What do you want to do, ride him or slay him?"

"Is it possible to want to do both at the same time?" Ginny asked, huffing in exasperation.

A certain white-blond haired Slytherin flashed in my mind.

"Yes, probably." I shrugged.

As beautiful as I found him, he had been quite insufferable all week.

"It's fucking boring just sitting there!" he bellowed when I had scolded him at the end of a class for fidgeting the entire time.

The novelty of being the main attraction to all the ogling witches seemed to have completely left him. In fact, he seemed nothing short of irritated by their attention, choosing to vanish into the kitchen the second the class was over before they could pester him about going out for a drink.

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