- ''Benkei''?

- What?

- Not... uuuh... ''Eggplant''?



I looked at him, stoned.

- You like that nickname or what?

- Uuuh I don't wanna offend you, Sir, but n-

- Gosh, how can you be that dense, holy shi-, I cursed.

- Ah you finally came back to your senses!

- ... Ugh..., I sighed, If you say so.

- Shit!

I turned around and saw Demure's dumbfounded face.

- Is there a problem?, I asked, a bit worried.

- I left my phone at the farm! I have to get back there!

- I'll come with you!, suggested Benkei.

Demure smiled (still in pain, ksksks) and thanked Benkei before heading back to the farm.


And I was alone with Nile, now.

Gosh, why was my heart beating that fast?!

I feel like my whole self is going to burst.

- Demure is a really guy, thanks for introducing him to me!, Nile thanked me enthusiastically.

- H-Hah, yeah. Welcome.

- Can the four of us hang out more together? I feel great around you all.

- Yeah, of course! I mean... Demure and Benkei seem to be good guys and... well you too! It's even better for me if you get along...!

But I still feel weird.

- Right!

Suddenly I felt something touching my neck, then my face, then my hands...

I looked up in the sky and I saw that it started to rain?

- Everyone! Sit below the nearest tree, so you don't get wet!

My thoughts were so mixed, I couldn't think straight. I was brought down to Earth when I felt my sleeves being pulled.

- Hey, Kyoya! What you waiting for?! Come on!, the emerald eyed boy yelled while dragging me at the bottom of the closest tree.

I realized that... we were pretty far from the others. We were definitely completely alone... and it made me extremely nervous, for some reasons.

- There's a rock, let's sit on it, better than getting dirty because of the mud..., he declared in disgust thinking about the last idea...

- Oh alright...

- I have some papers, let's put them on the rock, so it can be a bit more ''clean'', you know what I mean?

- Yeah yeah...

Nile raised an eyebrow. I guessed why. I looked lost. And I really was.

- Are you okay...?, he asked worried.

- Don't worry about that. I'm just thinking about something...

- Hey..., he started concerned, I told you to relax a bi-

- It's fine.

- But it don't seem like it. What's on your mind?

- Nothing important.

- Gosh, stop lying!

- I said : I'm okay!, I yelled annoyed.

He backed off in surprise.

- Huh?!, he whispered, What's gotten into you?!, he shouted while clenching his fists.

I sighed. My head was fucking hurting.

- I told you, I'm fine.

- ... But you don't look fine! What's wrong?! Tell me!, he insisted.

I don't wanna tell you! Because I don't even know! Stop asking that!

- I am fine., I stated.

- Stop with this nonsense!

He sat angrily beside me, grabbed my hand and stared into my eyes.

Suddenly, an electro shock was sent down my spine and I thought my heart was going to blast.

I was trembling, lost in an ocean of thoughts. I wasn't in control right now.

- What's w-?

- Don't touch me!, I screamed while removing immediately my hand from his.


Why did I do that?!

His eyes widened.

Nile was astonished.

- ... What the heck?! What's wrong with you?!

I couldn't say a word.

- Fuck you., he cursed while ignoring me.

I'm... so sorry.

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐄  - ᵏʸᵒⁿⁱˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now