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- Sir?

- Oh my god, stop calling me that, jeez!

- ... O-Okay but... it would feel weird to call you by your first name-

- Are we friends or business partners?!

- ... Mister Tategami.

- ...

- ...

- Y'know what, eggplant, suit yourself.

- Uum... sooo.. c-can I ask you a question?, requested the tallest.

- Why so nervous? Of course.

- Well, huuh... So... did you already know Nile before coming here?

I raised my eyebrows.

Why is there an awkward tension?

- No, why that?, I asked, curious.

- I mean... you seem to have been able to get close to him very quick. Nobody actually has been able to do that-

- Wow wow wow, you're making it look like an impossible achievement..., I cut him off.

I sighed and looked at Nile, while petting softly his hair.

- But... in fact, you're not wrong. It wasn't that... easy. I'm a very ''open'' guy and he seems to be the exact opposite. I don't think he wants to be actual friend with me, but... he accepted to stay with me on the way to school, at school and on the way back home, so I can protect him if Ryuga decides to do something dumb. At least I know he's safe.

And honestly, I don't know why my stupid ass wanted to get to know this cutie, but... heh, I'll do what I gotta do-

- So... you were just strangers, right?, Demure said.

- Yeah.

- ... Why do you care so much about a complete stranger? I mean, it's really sweet, but... not a lot of people would have done that.

- ... I guess I just... got some good vibes from him? Plus he looked cute and innocent, it kind of made me wanna protect him.

- Oh! Wow, wasn't expecting that at all...!

I know I looked a bit scary but still- guys please-

- Why that? Don'tcha think he's adorable?, I teased them while playing with Nile's hair. Can't help myself, they're so fluffy~

- Well... I guess, he is?, Demure chuckled, But now that you say it, I think he's just... awkward socially speaking? Can't blame him, though...

- ... Yeah...

I continue to cuddle subtly with sleeping beauty, while changing the subject.

- Anyway, guys. Do you know where they're taking us?

- Huh? You don't know, Sir?

I'll never get used to that-

- Well- Nile told me this morning that we had a trip. I wasn't listening at all yesterday, too bored.

- Oh, I see..., Demure said, Well, we're going to visit a farm and then we'll have a long walk in a forest. We'll be having lunch when we arrive, at the farm.

- Oh... seems... a bit boring.

- Don't worry, Sir! We'll make it fun!

- Pfft!, I laughed, If you say so, eggplant...



It's dead.


I swear, even a granpa would look in better shape next to me, right freaking now-

Like this morning, I woke Nile up soflty, by slightly shaking his shoulder.

- Pretty boy, we arrived~, I whispered so he can be the only one who hears me.

- Ngh...

He opened a bit his beautiful eyes, stretched a bit and let out a low but long growl.

- Slept well, beautiful?

- Yup., he responded, still sleepy while scratching the back of his neck.


I'm staring, I'm so cringe oh gosh-

- What are you looking at?, he reported while raising his eyebrows.

You really won't drop that attitude of yours, huh-

- You really wanna know?

At your beauty, you fucking cute human being I wanna hug so badly-

- ...

- ...

- No.

- I hate you-

He chuckled.

Five minutes later, we were all outside the bus. I held Nile close to me, while trying to find the bully.

- Hey., the youngest interpellated me.

- ... Yeah?, I answered while turning around to face him.

- Relax. I think everything will be alright, today.

- ... I don't know. I don't like the fact of you staying alone-

- I'm not going to. I mean... if it's okay, I'll stay with you. I just want you to... try to have fun. I don't want to be a burden.

His statement... kind of surprised me.

- Don't worry about me, I'll be fine...

- ...

- ... If you stick with me.

A little smile took place on his lips.

- Okay, I will.

- Good!

When I wanted to introduce Nile to Benkei and Demure, one of the two teachers (yeah, two came, did you expect that only one would be able to handle such a class on his own-?!) made an announcement.

- Everyone! We'll have lunch early today! No more than five persons on a table! Follow us.

To be on our guards, we stayed at the back of the row.

No more than five persons on one table, huh?

Benkei better take two whole seats to himself or Demure better lay d o w n to take the last one-

Yeah, Ryuga is clearly not inviting himself to our table.

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐄  - ᵏʸᵒⁿⁱˡᵉDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora