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Kyoya's POV


I'm sitting next to Nile and I couldn't stop glancing from time to time at him, but unfortunately, he noticed that.

- Stop looking at me., he ordered while trying to cover his face.


I really am not discret at all, am I?

- Sorry...

His lips trembled and then he sighed.

The bell rang and it was time to leave the school.

Nile was the first one to get out.

By the way, I understood that, in litterature class, the wrinkled paper were thrown at him, making the the others laugh.

I was ready to defend him.

But... the thing is why did he reject my help?

- Nile!, I shouted unexpectedly.

And then, everyone in the class stopped moving, except the emerald-eyed boy.

Whispers and rumours started but I didn't care. I just needed an explanation.

But the younger boy pretended to not hear me.

He walked way too fast and I don't know if I could still catch up to him!

- Nile, wait!, I screamed while reaching my hand to the orange-haired boy.

- I don't need you! Get lost!, he shouted back while finally turning back to face me.

We were in the corridor of the first floor and I was able to block him against the wall.

He pressed himself against it to be as ''far'' as possible from me while not daring to look me in the eyes.

- Now, tell me why you don't want my help!

- Because I don't need it! I don't even know who you are, now, let me go!, he yelled with his eyebrows frowned.

He tried to escape from my grip but he couldn't, I just grabbed his arms and pinned him against the wall, again, which angered him even more than he already was.

- STOP IT! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT DOING THAT!, he exploded while wriggling to break free from me.



I raised my eyebrows and then frowned them.

- What...?

- I don't have to explain anything else. Let me go, now!, he commanded.

- Wait! Seriously, what do you mean.

- I want to slap you., he declared irritated.

- I don't care, just tell me! What these guys are doing to you is fucking wrong! Let me help-

- You think I don't know that?! Listen, in two years I won't have to see them ever again. I've been dealing with them for four years, I can still do that for two miserable ones., he confessed.

Four whole years...? Are you kidding me?

- ... But still... it's okay to ask for help...

- I don't want.

- But... why...?

He sighed and... seemed more calm then before... He looked more... worried.

- They never did anything worst than what you saw today. I can't handle more. I thought that if I didn't complain... the future beatings would never be as bad than this one. But, now, they have a new reason to beat me up even harder than before, because you defended me.

- But that's the thing! I'll be always defending you! It's as simple as that.

He sighed again.

- What are you? A shield?, he asked ironically while crossing his arms.

- Are you making fun of me?

He growled.

- Y'know what, let's just walk home while we talk. You won't leave alone, am I right?

That's how we started to head to our houses. For that, we needed to go to the subway.

- Well... I'm doing it for you. It's rare for me to do that, you should think about it.

- But I never needed you.

- You surely do, now that I'm here.

- Wow, what a confidence. So you really think you are a shield.

- If you want to call me that, then go ahead.

- But I can't.

- Why?

- You can carry a shield wherever you want. However you can't be around me all the time. One moment of inattention and I'm fucking dead.

- ...

Well... he wasn't totally wrong, but I'm not giving up!

- This can change. I have no problem coming to pick you up to school, taking you home, staying with you at the break, geez, we're even sitting next to each other in class!

- Not a problem for you, but for me.

- You really hate me, don't ya?

- Because you're way too curious, especially for a first day in this school. If you want me that much to stay with you, I must've really stood out to you when you bumped into me this morning!, he bellowed in annoyance and sarcasm.

You're just spitting out facts, Nile.

- Well of course you stood out, you aren't bad looking at all.

- Hah? What are you trying to do right now?

- But it's true!

- Oh come off it! You expect me to believe that nonsense?

- You really have some self-esteem issues, don't you?

- Dude, do you really think good-looking people would be bullied?

- You don't believe me at all?

- No.

I stopped him, put my hand below his chin and raised his head so his eyes would meet mine.

- What...?

- Well lemme tell you that you couldn't be more wrong. You're fucking beautiful.

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