I'd filled them both in this morning with what had happened Saturday night, of course skipping out the bits about Zac's parents. He'd told me that in confidence and I didn't want to betray his trust but I also needed to spill my confusing feelings to my friends before I burst.

The were convinced that my feelings were a good thing, It proved that I was completely 100% over Mike and I didn't need to be worried as they were sure it was more of a crush due to our new friendship. They believed putting someone else in the picture would prove that and now Kane was back on the radar I'd finally get my answer.

'I was worried for a minute that he would be put off asking you out because...you know...Zac being all over you at Aaron's party.' Oli said casually and definitely not as quietly as I would've liked. 'but I guess not.'

'Did Kane even ask you about that in the end?' Ella asked.

'Nope, but maybe he thought he'd get his answer by asking me out. Maybe he'll bring it up on Friday.'

'Maybe, but if he doesn't don't say anything.' Oli said putting his dating expert expression on. 'Going on a date with someone that's constantly talking about someone else is such a turn off.'

The rest of lunch was spent talking about how I was going to prepare for Friday. My friends were definitely making it into a bigger deal than it was but I wasn't going to burst their bubble as I knew how long they'd been waiting for me to get over Mike.

Ella was still in my ear talking about potential outfits when the last bell rang for the day.

'Violet, can I talk to you for a second.' Miss Roberts called over the heads of my classmates hurrying to escape for the day.

'Do you want me to wait?' Ella asked.

'No you go, talk later.'

With a wave Ella linked arms with our friend Alice and joined the swarm of students flocking the hall outside.

I packed up the rest of my things and pocketed my phone before heading over to her desk.

'Don't worry you're not in trouble.' Miss Roberts reassured when she saw my face was showing signs of caution.
'I actually wanted to talk to you about the school play. Auditions are starting next week and I wanted to ask if you'd considered auditioning?'

'Oh. I hadn't actually.'

Oli hadn't stopped going on about the auditions since he found out last week. Never one to pass up an opportunity to prance around in front of a crowd of people, Oli was always a regular at auditions. As much as Ella and I always took the piss out of him for it he was actually pretty good and always secured some kind of role. Ella sometimes auditioned depending on if there were hot guys she could flirt with, whereas I preferred my place backstage. My whole stage fright thing wasn't just limited to singing.

'Well I really think you should give it a go.' She said giving me an encouraging smile.
'The drama club have chosen a musical this year and after hearing your beautiful singing voice the other day I thought you'd be perfect. We're always looking for strong singers.'

'I don't know..' I started to say but Miss Roberts held her hand up.

'Look, no pressure I just thought it might be something fun for you to do. Have a think about it.' She patted me on the back, giving me one last encouraging smile before moving to collect the textbooks left on her desk.

By the time I got to Zac's car where the boys were all waiting I had prepared for them to moan about how long they'd waited for me, but ended up being surprised by their high spirited banter.

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