Surgery Day

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Tini POV

It was time. Rose had just barely convinced Raven with her speech and now they were preparing for the surgery. I was walking through the halls, Gumball trailing just behind me. Their surgery was in about five minutes. I was so nervous, I could only imagine how Raven and Rose were feeling.

We reached the room they were waiting in before their surgery. When we arrived Raven looked terrified. She wouldn't raise her gaze from her lap the whole time we talked. Rose looked normal mostly. To some people she might look not scared in the slightest, but I'm pretty good at noticing when people feel bad, or nervous, or mad. I looked at Rose's face and deep in her eyes I saw fear. She could be an actress, she so good at pretending to be calm. I knew she was doing it for Raven. I knew she wanted to be stong so Raven would have someone to lean on. I do the same thing.

"So... How are you guys?" Gumball asked, obviously scared to get a bad response. Raven opened her mouth to say something but Rose interrupted.

"We're fine. Nervous, but fine. Also excited, well, at least I am. How are you guys? I mean you guys aren't having a life threatening surgery, but you still are alive, so something must be going on with you guys." Rose put on a smile like this was any other day.

"Well not much, other that this..." I couldn't reallty think of much that I even did except pester Gumball about a cure.

"Marshall and Ashley broke up..." Gumball muttered looking in the oppisite direction of me but I could feel he was slightly smiling. I almost giggled. I found it funny that he thought it was so funny.

"Who's Marshall?" Raven asked quietly.

"Oh, he's my brother, kinda. We've known each other our whole lives. He's as close as I'll ever get to a brother." I smiled thinking about Marshall and I, before all of this. Before the Mushroom War. Before I lost everything I ever had, except Marshall of course. Before I had to worry about wether or not I was going to live to see tomorrow.

"Hey guys." Rose's boyfriend and Drezelda entered, them looking almost as nervous as Raven. Drezelda hugged Rose then sat next to Raven and pet her head. She looked so sad. Sad unlike anything I've ever seen before. Tears were running out of her red eyes down her grey face. The way she looked at her daughter made me depressed just looking at her. Rose's boyfriend sat next to her, his arms wrap around her.

"Promise you'll make it?" He asked holding his pinky out.

"Promise." She whispered holding his pinky in hers.

There was a silence that filled the room as everyone just hoped and prayed it would all be alright. The silence was broken though. After a minute or so of the silence Dr. Ice Cream and Nurse Pound Cake came to take Rose and Raven into surgery. We each gave the two one last hug. As I gave mine to the both of them I felt like the reality of it all suddenly hit me. They might die. I thought. I held back tears and stepped away for someone else to give a hug.

When they left, the second the door closed behind them, Drezelda broke down. She dropped to her knees and burst into tears. Rose's boyfriend instantly rushed to her side and walked her to a seat.

Hours of pacing, crying, foot taping, and worrying past. Eventually the doctor came back.

"Ms. Sequoia, may I have a word?" He asked in a monotone voice. She nodded and followed him into another room. About thirty seconds of complete anxiousness before Drezelda re-entered despare covering her face, shaking her head.

"What happened? Is Rose ok?" Rose's boyfriends asked, but Drezelda just kept shaking her head and sat in the chair.

"What happened?" I quietly asked, kneeling in front of her.

"She's g-one. R-o-ose. Sh-she d-didn't make it." She studders then starts to cry harder. Rose's boyfriend also starts to cry. I stand up. My vision becomes blurry and my head hurts like hell.

"Tini, you ok?" Gumball said, resting a hand on my shoulder. I shake my head no and he sits me in a chair. Tears begin to fill my eyes. I wasn't ok. This girl that was so kind, so beautiful, the reason we even met her sister and started trying to find a way to save Raven, is gone. Forever. I will never hear her voice again. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I counldn't comprehend that she was actually gone.

I looked to Gumball. His eyes were watery as he held me. I thought and thought about it. About why this would even happen. Why someone so amazing could die so soon. As I thought I began to think about Raven. She probably didn't even know any of this. She probably wasn't even awake yet. I can even imagine what she'll be feeling. This was terrible, but I have to move on. We all do. That's what I had to bldo when we lost Giaa and that's what I have to do now. I have to be strong for everyone else.

Omg guys! Nine more parts! I'm so excited! I hope you guys are just as excited as I am. Bie!

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