When Royalty Visits

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Tini POV

'The rosary makes the castle look even more beautiful' I thought as I neared Gumball's pink castle.

It was a beautiful day. The sky had no clouds and the warm summer breeze was soothing as it brushed through my hair.

I entered the castle smiling and bubbly. "Prince Gumball is waiting for you in his bedroom." Peppermint Maid informed me, giving me a smile.

"Thank you!" I said and quickly rush up the stairs, to Gumball's room.

When I reached his room he greeted me with a big hug and kiss.

"Good morning beloved!" He cheered pulling me close to him. He was wearing the same thing he always wore. I wore a lacey ambre dress that went from neon green at the top to turquoise at the bottom. He kissed me one last time, running his hand through my dark brown hair, then grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the hospital.

When we reached it, the lobby was almost empty, just a chocolate chip child with her mother and an elderly jelly bean man.

We approached the desk and were given a list of kids who don't have family that visit them. First was a boy named Gumbo. He was in a crash that killed his parents, and he was left never being able to walk again. When we talked to him he was so happy. He had no family so he had no one to talk to. He asked Gumball questions about being the ruler of a kingdom, and stuff like that.

The next kid was a teenager named Ky. She had been in the hospital since she was a kid. When she was little her brother would always climb on their roof. One time she followed him, curious of where he always went when their mom went to work. She followed him out of the window and on to the roof, him not caring, thinking she would be fine. They sat there and eventually they had to come down. When they did the brother slipped. Ky tried to grab his hand, she tried to save him, but she just got pulled down with him. Her brother died, and Ky got brain damage causing her to lose the ability to speak. When we talked to her, she had a tablet thing that was connected to her head. Gumball's made it himself. When she wants to say something she looks at it checks to see if its correct then presses a button and it speaks for her.

She didn't seem happy to see us. She didn't smile. She asked straight forward questions, like how many candy people live on the Candy Kingdom, 362, and how many people work in his castle, 16. 15 in the hospital, then Peppermint Maid. She asked a lot about the arcitecture of the castle. I didn't understand any of it, but some how Gumball did and he explained with big words that I had no idea what they ment.

Next was Dulces, a boy with no legs. When he was so excited to see Gumball's he could barely speak. None of the papers said why he was legless, just that he was dropped off unconscious and bleeding out. The boy was over joyed so he didn't ask any questions, he just smiled and nodded.

The last girl was the reason we were here. Raven. A girl who had a rare illness that was very hard to treat.

"Hello." Gumball's greeted as we entered her room. She looked confused, probably because he had his in her room when I was in the hospital...

"Hi, Raven I'm pretty sure you know who he is, but I'm Tini. We're here because recently a girl approached us and told us about how thankful she was that someone she cared for was being treated at this hospital. We thought about how some kids here don't have anyone that's so thankful, or maybe they do, but the people who love them can't for whatever reason, like your family." I speak slowly as I sit on the edge of her bed.

"I'm guessing Rose is the girl you talked to? She's way to sentimental." She said rolling her eyes. She pushed her liquorice hair behind her ear and smiled.

"You and your sister must be close." I said as she gazed out the window.

"Yeah. We were. But then I got sick. Now she just works all the time, and when she's off work she's hanging with her boyfriend." I could almost see the pain she was feeling in her eyes.

"I had a sister." I blurted out, not really thinking, "Well, we weren't blood related, but I still took care of her. One day she disappeared. I'm telling you if I could do something to get her back, I would. I would do whatever I had to to get her back. But I lost her. I can't get her back. You have to cherish your sister. You never know when the last time you see her will be." I said hopeful that she would listen.

Raven nodded. "Thank you."

A while later we were done and heading back into the main castle.

"Do you want to spend the night?" Gumball's asked, pulling me against him. I looked out the window to see a sunset with colors from lavender and pink to yellow and orange.

"Why not?" I kiss him on the cheek then pull him along with me to his bedroom. 'This wasagreatday.'

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