12 - Tell Me!

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I stare at the watch, it is 03:47, I decide to sing to pass the time, and it works.

"You sing like an angel y'know" I hear Newt say, scaring the life out of me.

"Oh shuck! Never do that again!" I say, he smiles.

"I see you have started to use Glade language, it suits you"


"I got Chuck's message"

"Cool" I place my hand on his hand. We stay in silence, but not for long.

"Why don't we just go?" I say.


"Out, of the Glade"

"Into the Maze?"

"Further, escape, be free, no locking up or Gally"

"But we don't know what's out there, we could die in a week for all we know" he has a point.

"How was Alby with you?"


"Tell me the truth"

"Why? I don't want it to upset you, which it probably will"

"Tell me!"

"Or what?"

"Oh, I don't know"


"Newt, please tell me! I don't know why because all I would do is just do the same-"

"Shut up"

"-to Alby and no one will stop me! He can't just go around-" I was cut off by Newt. He put his hand on my shoulder and kissed me.

"That made you shut up, now you will find out my punishment soon anyway!  Don't think I'm okay wih it because I'm not and I just-" his voice cracks and a few tears drop down his face. I lean as far out the window as possible and hug him.

"Please tell me"

"Their gonna feed me to the bloody greivers!" He cries.

"That's it! Let me out of this place!" I shout.

"Hey! Your not aloud to talk!" I see Alby run over.

"Newt! Get away!"

"Stay away from him! You monster!" I scream. "Lock him up with me!"

"Fine! You can be happy snogging until you die!" I have had enough of this! Why is the world trying to either end our lives or make them hell?! Alby throws Newt in with me. I hold Newt close as we cry together, as if we will never be seperated again.

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