4 - A Very Flirty Boy

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I smiled back at him.
Suddenly the sound of feet startled me and Newt. The door swung open to reveal a muscly Asian boy with black hair, he was really sweaty. When he saw me he wolf-whistled.
"Finally a girl around here! A pretty one too," he said looking at me smiling. I could feel the colour rise to my face.
"I'm Minho by the way" he said.
"Oh leave her alone Minho, she's only just woken up" Newt said with a small frown.
"Oh, I see"
"You want to keep her for yourself" now Newt turned red with me. "Well Newt I don't think a pretty girl like her is gonna like a shank like you, do you?" He said turning to me.
"Uh. Um. I..." I stuttered.
"Well anyway, did you find anything today Minho?" Newt asked.
"No, same as usual" Minho sighed before leaving.
"Sorry about him, he was just having a joke." Said Newt.

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