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3rd person pov 

At beacon academy jnpr and rwby were hanging out until the head mistress ozina called them to her office. 

ruby: I wonder what ozina needs 

blake: I guess we'll see 

as the teams arrive at the office they see glynda standing next to ozina. 

ozina: hello girls 

girls: hi! 

ozina chuckles. 

ozina: you all know of the country yara correct? 

yang: yeah, the country isolated from remnant. 

ozina: precisely. it seems they have a new president who is only 17. I want to find him and recruit him. his name is y/n esposito. the son of gianclaro esposito. can i trust you girls? 

jnpr: yes!

rwby: banzai!!! 

ozina: good, and glynda will come with you. 

glynda: let's go girls. 

meanwhile in yara 

messenger: el presidente! an unidentified bullhead is heading towards yara! 

y/n: more hunters most likely. tell my men to let them land. it could be from ozina. 

messenger: yessir! 

the messenger runs off to inform the president's army to let the bullhead land. 

y/n: this will be interesting, won't it papa. 

gianclaro: of course y/n. 

gianclaro said sitting next to y/n

gianclaro: first day of el presidente and you already have visitors. remember. if you have to leave, I will run yara for you. 

y/n: thank you papa.

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