Everyone hears the same voice, hearing it from TV's, radios, phones, and sirens. Everyone look at the screens, gasp after seeing the appearance on who was speaking...Dr Gaster. Dr Gaster's voice wasn't exactly like his own voice, sounds more dead inside. "I have come for a warning...you will all be extinct...unless you do as I say..." Dr Gaster responded. The public did go crazy after what Dr Gaster has responded. "Bring Daniel to me~ I'm right down the Lab beneath Dr Alphys~... refuse?~ Then this one will die-" Suddenly the screen was pulled by MK who was hold down by a twisted fox. "DANIEL! YOU GOT TO GET OUT BEFORE-GAH!—" MK groaned, getting pinned by the twisted fox, he was dragged into the closet. "My apologies for being rudely interrupted...there will be no mercy once you do something stupid...All I ever wanted is to see my boy~ If you don't bring Daniel Afton to me for the next hour, the core will explode and all of our corpse will lay in the pit of hell~ Enjoy your hunt~" Dr Gaster responded before shutting out. Then, out of nowhere, twisted robots begin to rise from the ground, it almost like a zombie apocalypse.

Asgore open the balcony door, run right at the view, finding his kingdom in such panic. "He wants me...I had to go!" Daniel replied, looking at the view. "No! Dan! We can destroy him with Fredbear! She has the last soul!" Michael complained. Fredbear slide herself out of Daniel's arm. "I can't..." Fredbear responded. "What do you mean you can't!?" Flowey complained. Fredbear points down the building, directing at the twisted animatronics, destroying every item and shops. "They will destroy the surface..." Fredbear responded. Daniel and his family stared down at the kingdom, almost like they are watching the titanic is sinking. "Guys! If I don't go! Gaster will kill MK! I can't let this happen!" Daniel complained. "No! It's too dangerous!" Toriel replied, holding Daniel by the shoulders. "I know! But I don't need your answer! I'm going anyway!" Daniel replied, picking up Fredbear and starts running down. "MY CHILD!" Toriel gasp. Daniel rushes down the stairs, keeping himself from distraction, he spots a baseball bat nearby the stairs, he quickly grabs it for safety. Then, the ground beneath him broken up, rising the nightmarish version of Fredbear, it was more disgusting and disturbing by the melting skins and nasty smell on it, you could barely see the bones. Daniel gasp as he steps back with his bat ready to smash that baseball head to the air, staring at the monster before him. It let out a tormented roar until Undyne's spear strike him down 5 times, Daniel look up at the stairs, seeing his family. "Daniel! You're not going there-" Michael replied, running downstairs to him. "Mike! I know it is so dangerous! But we need to—" "Chill, brah! What I was going to say is "You're not going there alone"!" Michael replied. Daniel blink with surprise, then nodded as agreement.

They were in Asgore's home, putting the blueprints of the centre core map on the table. "This is the only blueprints I had with me." Alphys replied, showing the Afton Children. Flowey idea clicked after seeing the blueprints. "I know that place! I've stayed there for days! We just need to get in by the vents!" Flowey replied, using his vines to point. "But those vents have been unused for years, there's no oxygen." Alphys explained. "Pfft, I've escape through it by turning on the oxygen switch from your Lab, Al. That's how I escaped from you." Flowey explained. "That might be a good idea for a trap! We could use them for Sans and Papyrus to attack Gaster!" Michael replied. "Kid, we're too big and fat to fit into those short vents!" Sans replied, patting his belly. "Then, I'll go in!" Elizabeth spoken. "Elizabeth-" "No! I am going there to save MK! He's my best friend!" Elizabeth complained. "Hey...there's a closet in the bottom of the core, we could be able to find MK there." Undyne replied, poke the tiny room. "I'll go there and get him out of the core!" Elizabeth planned. "Alright, but problem, what about the twisted animatronics outside?" Asgore asked. "We'll distract them from destroying the plan." Toriel replied. "But...what about Daniel? Gaster wants him! We need to save Daniel from him!" Michael asked. "I'll be nearby hiding to keep my eye on them, but when MK has escaped, we'll figure out how to kill that bastard!" Sans explained, turning his hands into fits. "We just need to distract him a bit, I can shut down all the animatronics down, but I just need to shut down the core." Alphys explained. "YOU MEAN SHUT DOWN ALL THE POWER OF THE UNDERGROUND?" Papyrus asked, crossing his arms while looking at the map. "Yeah, but I need to get closer while Gaster is distracted." Alphys explained. "I'll distract him! But what I fear is getting...um..." Daniel thought of the terrifying dream about Gaster as a paedophile to him, he took a deep breath. "...getting hurt." Daniel respond the different answer. By the look of Sans, he thinks he knew what Daniel was thinking. "Alright, Undyne and Papyrus will guard the Left door of the Lab while Toriel and Asgore guard the Right doorway, Alphys and Elizabeth will crawl into the vents to save MK. Michael and Sans will stay by while Daniel distract Gaster, when Gaster is distracted, Alphys will shut down the core, then we drop Gaster dead." Flowey planned. "WHAT WILL YOU DO?" Papyrus asked. Flowey took Daniel's phone from his pocket. "I will stay on camera and contact, in case if the Twisted Animatronics is around that area. Fredbear will stay with me-" "No...I am coming with Daniel..." Fredbear aggressively responded, holding Daniel's arm. "Ok! Ready team?" Daniel cheered.

FIVE NIGHTS AT UNDERFELLTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon