Chapter Seventeen: Mabel's Birthday

Start from the beginning

As she walked around the corner, she walked face first into a person. She whelped and braced her hand against the wall rail as she made herself blink and sneer at the person that she'd run into.

"Really, Munroe?" Munroe blinked at her a few times and then a smirk came on his face.

"Ah, Mel. What a pleasure."

"Pleasure my ass. Watch where you're going."

"You're the one who needs to watch where you're going. You ran into me." Mel sighed and shook her head and moved around him and made her way to the nursing station. Munroe turned to watch her and spoke just before she disappeared into the nurses station.

"You lot heading to Mabel's birthday?"

"I think so. I am. Why? Don't tell me you managed to get yourself invited." She said it like a statement and leaned against the door frame, frowning at him. Munroe shrugged.

"The whole doctoring staff and ward staff has been invited. Which means I'm invited." Mel rolled her eyes. She pushed off the wall.

"You do realize that nobody here likes you, right?"

"Nah, Mel. You're the only one that doesn't like me." Mel snorted.

"I'd need to take off my socks to count exactly how many people here dislike you." He scoffed and turned on his heel, leaving her where she stood.

Danika popped up behind Mel, scaring the nurse half out of her mind.

"Shit, sorry girl. Just wanted to letcha know we've got call in. Serious crash involving five people."

"Yeah okay. Jeez woman, don't scare me so bad next time."

"Not my fault you scare easily." Danika snorted and patted her shoulder. "ETA Ten minutes, may need to notify theatre." Mel nodded and waver her off, shaking her head.

"I'll get to that." Mel turned around and hugged her way into the office, feeling officially done with the day.


The day of Mabel's birthday arrived to a day that was crappy in weather and humidity.

Mel and Isabelle stood in their bathroom, Isabelle was attempting to straighten her hair while Mel was attempting to wing her eyeliner for the twelfth time. Isabelle snorted as Mel wiped it her right eye off again.

"Shut up." Mel grumbled as she moved closer to the mirror. Isabelle rolled her eyes.

"Honestly woman. You have no idea what you're doing."
"What, and you do?"
"Look, my sister thinks I want to help my parents who are both having affairs. I definitely know what to do in ALL cases."
"And what do you do?"
"Leave it to someone else to sort it out." She gave a cheeky wink that caused Mel to snort and mess up the eyeliner again.

"Do you want some help?" Mel shook her head.

"I've seen you try to wing eyeliner. You've never done it well." Isabelle shrugged as she pulled a strand of hair through the straightner and then put it down, turning it off as she did so. She ran her fingers through her hair, humming to herself as she did so. Mel saw the small smile on her face and smiled as well.

"Aight. I'm going to go and find my shoes. The ones that sorta match this dress." She smoothed the skirt of her blue dress down and padded out of the room.

Finding the shoes she wanted, Isabelle grabbed then and slid her feet into them just as her phone rang. She jumped as it buzzed and she answered it without looking at the caller ID.

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