"Had fun today?" her colleague asked softly, offering her a sympathetic smile. Dayae must have complained to her about these specific people in the past.

"It was a real doozie," Glinda answered, rolling her eyes.

Yolona nodded.

"Well, in that case, you can keep them. I'm sure Dayae will generously surrender a few of her clients to you." Pushing a punnet of strawberries in her direction, she added, "Fancy a treat?"

"I'm eternally in your debt," Glinda sighed as she picked one of the red fruits.

"Any overtime today?"

"Yes, probably," she shrugged. "Not that I'd planned on it, but I've fallen quite behind and that's really not a good way to start a Monday. If I don't make up for it early on, it will only get worse as the week goes on."

Inhaling sharply, the other woman run her hand through her shoulder long, wavy hair. For a moment, she paused, staring at her with a contemplative expression.

"I'm sorry this is causing you so much trouble. You always seem busy enough as it is."

"No need to apologise," Glinda responded confused. "It's not even your work I'm doing."

"No, it's not," she laughed, "but since it's Dayae's, I feel indirectly responsible."

"Right." Glinda chuckled lightly, shaking her blonde curls. It probably didn't matter that she still did not quite understand.

"Do you have any general work?" Yolona asked then. "Something you could pass on to someone without any specific knowledge about your clients? Any numbers that need crunching? Any spreadsheets to check? Any proofreading?"

"Maybe. But you're also stretched to the max, are you not? Nikidik said I was the only one who was not already drowning in work."

"True," agreed Yolona. "But I'm not talking about myself. I was actually thinking I could take some work home with me to pass on to Dayae."

"Wait!" Glinda cut in. "You two flat together?"

She'd noticed fairly early on how close the two women were, yet seeing as they were a few years older than her and considered experienced staff members, she'd expected them to live in their own apartments by now, perhaps even with their own partners.

"Well, I'm not sure if I'd call it that," Yolona grinned.

Finally, Glinda's last penny dropped.

"No kidding?" she exclaimed. "I had no idea!"

"That's okay," the other woman waved her off dismissively. "Actually, that's a good thing. We're trying not to advertise our relationship at work. There are a few people who would not approve and we don't need this kind of drama in our life."

Nodding eagerly, Glinda assured her that she wouldn't share her newly acquired knowledge with anyone. "But are you sure this is a good idea when Dayae is unwell?" she asked regarding Yolona's proposal. "Shouldn't she rather rest?"

"She's not all that ill. She did some of her work from home today, but it wouldn't be a great idea for her to come into the office."

Reluctantly, yet grateful, Glinda accepted the offer and produced two thin folders.

"Let me know if she doesn't feel well enough to do it in the end. I've got the files on my computer also."

Her colleague briefly flipped through the paperwork.

"Don't worry and just forget these documents ever existed," she said with a wink, but Glinda couldn't help feeling slightly anxious as she watched her documents disappear in the large leather bag. "Now. What will you do with your unexpected spare time?"

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