Ch2 hunted!

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Later at the Midoriyas

As Izuku gets home after a hard day of training and saved a girl named Ochako Uraracka from a villain and gained her not to mention a kiss on the cheek he is then hugged to death by his mother

Inko: Izuku my baby are you ok I was so worried about you after I saw the news are you hurt

Izuku: no mum I'm fine really after all we both know how powerful four arms is

Inko: yes but even if your an alien I'm still going to worry about you even if your ghost freak I'm still worrying about you

Izuku: yeah I know I'm sorry for scaring you mum

As he gives his mother a hug and she hugs back too

Inko: it's ok sweetie

Izuku: ok well I'm going to go to my room now ok

Inko: alright honey dinner will be ready soon

Izuku: ok mum

As izuku enters his room he puts his bag down and falls on his bed tired of the day he just had

Izuku: I can't believe what today has just brought me I meet all might I help him capture a villain I saved a girl life and she gave me her number and all might have me his autograph this day couldn't get any better

As he said that his phone alerted him that he got a message

On his phone

hi it's me Ochako the girl you rescued I was wanting to say thank you very much for what you did and I was wondering if you'd like to hangout sometime and love to get to know my hero 😊

Izuku was shocked to see her texting him and for the first time ever someone wanted to hangout with him so he decided to reply

Hey there Ochako your welcome
It really wasn't any trouble at all
I just did what any hero would do
And I'd love to hangout when
Are you free?

Izuku waited for her to reply back and he didn't have to wait long

Awesome I'm free tomorrow

Alright then I'll see you then by Ochako


(Let me know what you guys think of this style for texting I'm thinking of doing this but be honest if you don't like it I just wanted to tests it out)

Our hero was very excited and a blushing mess after all being someone who had never talked to a girl in ages and happenes to be a very pretty girl he happened to rescue and get a kiss on the cheek from is very exciting for someone like that

Izuku: oh man I'm actually going out with a girl but calm down Izuku it's just two friends hanging out let's not rush into things

With Ochako

She was actually currently blushing as her head was as red as a tomato as she slowly starts floating after covering her face with her hands

Ochako: oh gosh why dose he make me blush so much we only just met I gotta make sure I don't freak him out tomorrow

Later that night with Izuku

He was in his pjs and was getting ready for bed looking forward to his first time hanging out with someone sense he was a kid and with a girl no less

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