Chapter 12

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G | C

June 11th, 2014

2:32 am

The mattress shifted as O'Neil rolled toward the edge. Without opening my eyes, I snaked my arm around her waist and tugged her back to my chest.

"Careful," I murmured into her wild hair. "You were about to fall off there."

"I was just about to get dressed," she whispered as she wiggled out of my grasp and rolled toward the edge again. "Go back to sleep."

"And why would you go and do a thing like that?"

I propped myself up by my elbow and watched as her fingers groped the floor in search of her clothes. She grazed the lace of her bra and edged a little farther off the mattress to reach it.

"Well," she laughed airily as she sat up to slip her arms through the straps. "It's a bit of a long  walk home to do in the buff."

I frowned, fully awake and sitting up now. "You're leaving?"

"Well... yeah. You were asleep."

"I was just resting my eyes—hang on, were you even going to wake me up?"

She pulled the sheets around her waist before lunging down to peer under the bed. If it was her underwear she was looking for, she wouldn't find it there. 

And she likely wouldn't find them much intact.

The second she'd wiggled out of her jeans, I'd all but ripped the scrap of lace off her.

"I didn't want to disturb you," she said from below.

I tugged on her arm, bringing her to resurface. She flopped onto her back but still refused to look my way. Leaning on my elbow, I hovered over her and waited until her eyes finally—and more than a little begrudgingly—met mine.

"It would've disturbed me," I said carefully enunciating my words to ensure they were free of the rising annoyance I felt. "To wake up and find you gone without knowing if you got home alright, O'Neil."

She snorted and then let a grin escape her closely pressed lips. "I think we've moved past last names, don't you?"

I hesitated, relishing the mischievous flicker in her eyes that—in that moment, tangled up together in my bed—danced only for me.


Laughter erupted from her chest as she lunged toward the edge of the bed again to resume her search. "Closer but still missing the mark, Charlemagne."

She let out a victorious exclamation and waved her torn panties in the air. She swung her legs in preparation for slipping the lingerie back on, but before she could I slid my hands up her deliciously thick thighs and pulled her into me.

Georgie let out a little yelp as her hands found purchase on my shoulders and her hips all but straddled mine.

I groaned. There was still an unfortunate amount of bed sheets tangled up between us.

"Don't put those back on," I practically begged.

"You got a thing for keeping girls' panties or something?"

I swallowed a second groan when I glanced up to find Georgie smirking down at me.

My voice dropped a register & came out as a low growl. 

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