Chapter 2

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Now, I'll tell you about how I lost Annabeth.

For about two weeks after the incident of Hazel falling off the cliff, I've heard people whispering to Annabeth about leaving me, calling me a murderer and such. One morning I woke up to a knock on my door. It was Annabeth. And Leo was standing with her. She had a sad and regretful look on her face.

"Hey Wise Girl." I said, hoping she wasn't about to say something bad. "What's up?"

"Percy...I'm so sorry. I..I think we need to break up." she said with tears forming in her eyes.

"What?" I said. Well maybe I only thought that. My senses had all went numb, so I don't really know. "Annie, why? I thought.....I thought we were happy together."

"We were. Percy, I have a confession. I-I slept with Leo...and..."

"And?!" I pushed her to continue. How could this morning get any worse?

"And I'm pregnant!" she blurted. "I am pregnant with Leo's baby!"

She started to sob, and Leo held her close. She clung to him like how she used to cling to me when she was upset.

"What the hell, man! You fricking slept with Annabeth?! What the actual f*ck is your problem, Leo?!" I screamed. "I wouldn't ever have thought that you'd stoop so low as to have s3x with my f*cking girlfriend."

"Sorry, Jackson. You deserved it though. And she's not your girlfriend anymore. She's mine." Leo said with a troublesome smirk.

I turned my back on them and slammed my cabin door in their face. I dropped myself to the ground and found myself sobbing. Why? Why were all of these bad things happening to me? What did I do to deserve any of this?

I locked myself in my cabin for the next three days, not eating anything. If I went outside, I was sure that the other campers would just mock me, throw things at me, and make fun of me.

On the third day of feeling sorry for myself, I decided to go outside for once. I stepped outside of my cabin, nobody noticed me yet. Maybe they decided to forget about everyhthing that happened? Maybe they realized that I didn't kill Hazel?

I passed by Annabeth and Leo sitting together in the dining pavilion, and I snarled at them. But I kept walking because they weren't worth my time. Then some campers started to take notice of my presence. 

"There's Murder Jackson!" one camper shouted.

"Stay away, or he'll push you off a cliff!" another one said.

And Leo. Oh, fricking Leo. He yelled to the campers for everyone to hear, "Hey, guys! I heard that when Annabeth and Percy were dating, he raped her multiple times!"

I heard gasps and mumbles among the crowd of campers that had gathered to see what was going on. Jason came up to me and kicked me right in the gut. "What the hell, Jackson. You'd even rape a girl? What the actual hell is your problem?" he said loud enough for everyone to hear.

This time, I was not going to retreat. I'm not going to let these people get the better of me.

"Actually, Grace, what is your problem? I can't believe you're that stupid to really think that I'm such a bad person." I growled at him.

"Oh, shut up Jackson! We all know you're a murderer and now a rapist, just cloaked in the disguise of a hero." Jason barked.

I stood up and looked him dead in the eye. I looked at each and every one of these idiotic campers in the eye. "You all are absolutely stupid. Each and every one of you. I'm leaving this god damned camp, because it seems I'm not welcome here. All of you will regret this."

I shoved Jason to the ground, and stormed off back to my cabin to get my stuff. Basically a backpack with bottles of water, some clothes, ambrosia and nectar, and some blue food stashed around my cabin.

I was about to walk out the door, but when I turned around, standing in front of the door was Nico di Angelo.

"What do you want?" I asked. "Are you here to mock me some more before I leave for good?"

"Percy, I-" he started to say, but I cut him off.

"Save it di Angelo. I don't feel like hearing anything else from anyone at this camp. You all are believing these dumb lies, but I don't even care anymore. Believe what you want to believe, but I'm done with this. Now, could you move out of my way? I'm trying to leave this hell hole of a camp."

"Percy, I'm so, so sorry." Nico blurted.

"Huh?" I questioned.

"I-I spoke with Hazel's ghost, a-and she told me everything. You were right." he sighed. "You're not a murderer after all."

"Wow. It took a ghost for you to believe me. Whatever. Now could you move. I want to leave. Now." I hissed.

"Could I maybe come with you? I don't necessarily like it here either." Nico asked.

"Fine." I exhaled. "C'mon then."

We stepped out of my cabin, and we dove straight into the woods.

After that, we were walking for about 3 hours when we decided to stop to rest for a bit. I was sitting on a rock, when I felt a wave of heat behind me. I assumed that it was just the sun on my back, but I heard a sound that was kind of like a growl. I looked up and saw Nico staring at something behind me, and he was pulling out his Stygian Iron sword. 

I slowly turned around. As if my luck couldn't get any worse.

Standing behind me, was a Calydonian Boar. 

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