Chapter 17: he's dead

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[ Y/n pov ]

" so uvo's dead" l asked as l walked in
" no we won't know we have to wait till dawn " shalnark replied waving at you
" l see" l stated
" nobunaga and Machi can go together tomorrow" chrollo suddenly said
" then l wanna go with chase and shalnark" l said raising my hand smiling
" ya sure but make sure not to use your nen" chrollo said glaring at me
" l will" l replied
" but boss no one here knows what y/n's nen does" shalnark asked
" that's true" Machi suddenly realized
"Y/n what is ur nen anyway" shizuku asked looking at u
" it's kinda bad" l replied playing with my fingers
" it could never be what do you mean" Katie asked
" um so my brother can manipulate people he kills or alive" l started explaining
" but your a specialist aren't you" Franklin asked interrupting you
" see unlike my brother anyone who is dead in with the 4 mile radius becomes my puppet" l replied looking away
" isn't that just manipulation but full mastery" shalnark said confused
" ya that's true but like people say ur not able to master all nen types, l only have 74% mastery of manipulation right now but that's only because l know how my brothers nen works" l explained
" what do ur family do anway" Machi asked
" oh l forgot to say, my name is y/n zoldyck the one and only daughter of the zoldycks" l replied bowing my head
" who's that" shizuku asked
" all l know is that there a famous family known for assassinations, and they own a mountain that nobody is able to pass, people who go inside never come back out" shalnark explained to everyone
" so if your the only female of your family why are you here" nobunaga asked
" me and my brother escaped to try the hunter exam it's not like it's hard to leave we're just not allowed to, but on some circumstances my older brother was there and my family has this thing where they train the most capable person to become head of the family, so my older brother used his manipulation as you might say that he had taught my other brother since he was young causing him to kill an applicant and leave, but as you know only one person gets disqualified so l got my hunter's licenses and he didn't" l finished explaining
" let's head out nobunaga" Machi said as she walked out
" later guys" l replied as l took shalnarks and chase's
" y/n someone special is gonna meet u forward on don't touch her if you do l'll kill u" hisoka suddenly said glaring as he played with his cards
" ya ya whatever you say a girl that can maintain ur craziness and selfishness" l said me realized
" wait what girl what kinda girl accepted you" l stopped dead in my tracks looking at someone
" did you threaten her hisoka" akina asked glaring
" maybe not maybe so" he said as he continued playing with his cards
" ya this is actually quite interesting please explain" chrollo said looking at hisoka
" we're dating that's all you need to know for now" he said turning towards the window
" let's go you two l am just dying to meet the girl who got hisoka" l replied as l walked out
" right" they both replied
" l'm gonna go" chrollo said as he disappeared
[ 38 minutes later]
" e-excuse me" a girl suddenly said
" guys dispose of the body" l whispered
" um who are you" l asked Glaring
" u-um l-l l'm sorry l got the wrong person didn't l" the girl squirmed
" who's this" shalnark said spooking you
" o-oh l don't know she just came up to me" l replied when l suddenly got a text
Pedo hisoka
y/n have you
Found the girl l
Told you about

No l haven't, wait
Actually there is a girl
Who came up to me
Just now but she's really
Shy so l don't know if it's

Yes it might be her
If she says her name is cyill
Then it's her, cause she's really
Shy isn't it just adorable
It really turns me on

Stop that l can
See your face and
I don't even see you right
Sigh 😔 how did any girl fall
For you that question still
Remains an answer anyway
I'll ask but please don't do
Something stupid to her if it is
Her she is too innocent.

You might wanna
Hurry your brother and
Gon got caught by the others
And l'm not sure if they can get
Out of here when they get here alive
Wish you best of luck

What no way that
Can't be ugh 😩 l
Give up , please wait
10 mins

End of chat

" what's your name" l asked putting down my phone
" o-oh uh my name is cyill" the girl replied
" oh then please excuse me but we need to get back fast" l replied
" why" shalnark asked
Chase nodding
" the helicopter is here get on" l replied

[ meanwhile with chrollo ]
Chrollo's pov
" l am here to see Sara" l asked in my usual tone
" oh your here again mr.lucifer ms.sara is in the study hall" the butler explaining bowing
" oh mr.lucifer is here again, he must really like ms. Sara" l heard the maids say as they scurried past the room
" hey Sara" l said popping from the door
" oh chrollo your here again what do you need again" she Sofia asked confused
" oh nothing much just here to watch" l replied
" you must have a lot of free time" she stated as she flipped through her work
" l guess so" l replied smirking
" mr.lucifer l don't like that please do try to work hard" she stated looking at me
" you know your the prettiest when your serious" l stated smirking catching her off guard
" what's that supposed to mean" she pouted blushing.
" this is happened" l replied kissing her
[ 3rd person pov]
As chrollo kisses sara she started to feel hot at that moment time stopped it was like they were in their own world, chrollo pushed his tongue into Sara's mouth, they fought for dominance, chrollo winning French kissed her until, " hello ms.sara ms.lucifer please come out for lunch" the head butler had stated as he knocked on the door interrupting sara and chrollo
" what the heck chrollo" sara stated
" you enjoyed it too don't lie" chrollo said smirking
" so what just do you know that's not how you ask someone out" sara said pointing at chrollo
" what really that's not how, it's my first time with this kinda thing l didn't know" chrollo said
" it's okay" l replied smiling
" Sara saito will you be my girlfriend" chrollo asked finishing his sentence
" of course l will l've always liked you" sara replied blushing as she hugged chrollo
" l could tell" chrollo laughed a little

[ that's it for today. ]

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