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Hey readers! Thanks for checking out this conglomeration of sour short stories, aptly titled "Short and Sour!" Because rarely is anything "short and sweet."

Did you like the title? I wanted something clever and snappy, and this is what I came up with. I think it's pretty good :D

The title of this chapter, on the other hand... "Introduction" seems too sweet, don't you think? Maybe I'll change it when I come up with a better idea...

Anyway, this is where I, TheJessieOwl, will be posting sour short stories, poetry, snippets of random stories I never finished, and contest entries for all the world to see. And read.

So, without further ado, enjoy the sourness!


Well, what are you waiting for? Enjoy the sourness! I would love to see a few reads—um, I mean a few happy readers enjoying the best of what English literature has to offer. Your teacher would be proud of you if you keep reading! Who needs Shakespeare? Just keep reading! Who the heck is J. K. Rowling? You don't have to pay attention to her, I'm sure she's not saying anything important. Just keep reading!


Oh, you want a table of contents. You want an abstract, and overview. You want to know whether this stuff is sour enough for your liking.

Fine. I can respect that. 

So far, we have... a drugged guy who talks to the personification of a raven in an alleyway, (can you believe that one won an award?) a dragon who needs to fight her former mentor to save the world, some things middle-school me wrote, a murderous shadow, and a murderous person and his almost-victim. Fun!

And don't worry, more stories will be added soon enough! In the meanwhile, keep reading, and ENJOY THE SOURNESS :D

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