Don't Give Up On Me (Fem Reader)

Start from the beginning

And I will hold

I'll hold onto you

No matter what this world'll throw

It won't shake me loose

A look of understanding came to his face when he had an idea. "I know what I must do," he vaguely declared, standing up from the bench. (Y/N) looked up because of the movement, watching her boyfriend start to walk away, "where are you going?!" she cried, getting up to follow him. "I told you, I know what I have to do now," he explained, continuing to walk back the way they came. The (H/C) tilted her head in confusion, "and that is?" He just shook his head and grabbed her hand, "you'll see. You won't approve, but trust me on this." With slight hesitation, she nodded and the two walked back to the Bakugo household.

I'll reach my hands out in the dark

And wait for yours to interlock

I'll wait for you

I'll wait for you

Once there, Shoto stepped inside first, (Y/N) trailing behind him slightly. "Bakugo," he called out, his voice echoing slightly within the large house. A few moments later, a loud stomping came towards the two, "IcyHot?! Why're you still here dammit?!" His blond hair poked around the corner as he exited the kitchen, a sandwich getting crushed in his clenched fists. "Katsuki, you're gonna make a mess," his sister pointed out, watching as he scowled and went back into the kitchen, placing his sandwich on a plate before returning, "what the fuck do you want, IcyHot? I have half a mind to blast you all the way to hell right now!" "That's what I'm here about," he declared, making both the Bakugo children confused. "Remember back at the Sports Festival? How I gave up? Well, let's change that. Tomorrow in hero training, we'll pair up and I'll beat you with both my flames and my ice," he promised, a harsh glare in his eyes. The blond just smirked, "you're on, IcyHot."

'Cause I'm not givin' up

I'm not givin' up, givin' up

No not yet

The next day, after getting changed, (Y/N) walked with her boyfriend as they made their way towards the field where their hero training course took place. "Sho, why are you doing this?" she asked, earning a hum in response. "Answer me!" she cried, frustration building. The night before, after her boyfriend had left, she only heard Katsuki talking about how he was going to 'kill' his challenger; she was worried to say the least. "Your brother will never approve of this relationship if I don't show him I'm serious," he began, a sigh escaping his lips, "I have to prove to him that I'm passionate and if that means kicking his ass in a fight, then I will." The (H/C) sighed, "...a fight where you give it your all is a good way to make him respect you. Just..." she hesitated, stopping in place. Shoto stopped as well and felt (Y/N) cup his cheeks, "don't get yourself killed, alright?" He smiled faintly and nodded, pressing a quick kiss to her lips.

Even when I'm down to my last breath

Even when they say there's nothin' left

So don't give up on...

After their moment, the two finished heading over to the rest of their class. Aizawa quickly took roll call and began assigning partners to spare. "Alright, we'll go with Midoriya and Ashido, (F/L). Bakugo and Iida, Kirishima and Oijiro, K. Bakugo and-" "I'm fighting the half-and-half bastard!" the blond interrupted, the class staring at him in wide eyes. The half asleep teacher just blinked slowly, "sure. Bakugo and Todoroki...." As he finished pairing off partners, (Y/N) could feel the glare of her brother burning holes into her boyfriend's back. When their teacher was finished, he released a loud yawn, "just to get it over with, we're going to start with Todoroki and Bakugo. Take your positions in the circle."

I'm not givin' up

I'm not givin' up, givin' up

No not me

The two teenagers walked to the front and stood on opposing sides, nodding in acknowledgment. "You'll have five minutes. Ready?" the noiret asked, a hand on his scarf as if he was expecting to use it. Shoto nodded while Katsuki just scoffed, "begin!" Immediately, the blond launched himself into the air and sent his body spiraling towards his dual-haired opponent. At the last second, Shoto used his ice to skate away from Katsuki, shooting a ball of fire towards him from a safe distance. The flames hit his leg and he fell to the ground, rolling roughly before kneeling just before the edge of the circle. (Y/N) smiled brightly and cupped her mouth, "go, Sho!" she cried, watching her brother's scowl. The blond wiped his mouth with his dirty hand before charging towards the dual-haired boy, blasting to the left when a flamed fist almost collided with his face. However, Shoto used the opportunity to duck down and freeze Katsuki's legs to the ground.

Even when nobody else believes

I'm not goin' down that easily

So don't give up on me

As the blond struggled to free himself, the dual-haired boy walked to the other side, readying his left side in case he did. "Tap out, Bakugo. I'll spare you from the flames if you do," he declared, an over confident smirk gracing his lips. "Never!" the blond retaliated, blowing up the ice that was once containing but burning his legs in the process. Ignoring the stinging sensation and smell of burnt flesh, he charged Shoto one last time. He was finally successful and the two teenagers went crashing to the ground. Quickly, Katsuki restrained Shoto's wrists and pinned him down, making an explosion go off next to his ears, "tap out!" His opponent shook his head, glaring with his mismatched eyes, "I'd rather die." Using his right foot, the young prodigy sent himself and his opponent hurtling to the other side of the circle, somehow flipping over in the process. Before either of them could attack again, Aizawa used his scarf to hold Shoto back, "times' up! That was decent you two."

I will fight

I will fight for you

(Y/N) sent her boyfriend a wide smile as he walked back over, his left hand gently rubbing his right shoulder. "Are you alright?" she asked, rubbing his back when he took his original place next to her. He nodded, reassuring her with a weak smile, "yeah, just a little sore. Your brother pins people really hard." "Yeah, no kidding. Your wrists look a little red there," she pointed out, making him glance down at his skin. His eyes went wide when he saw he had small burns on them, the once pale skin an irritated pink. He froze when he felt the (H/C) gently grab them, planting a kiss on the burnt skin.

I always do until my heart

Out of the corner of her (E/C) eyes, (Y/N) saw her brother scowling at Kirishima while subtly using him as support. She glanced down at his legs, grimacing at the sight of the forming blisters, "you really got him good, Sho." He sighed in response, "yeah, that looks quite painful. But," he paused, turning to face the (H/C). She froze as she felt him cupping her cheek, leaning into his touch, "at least now he knows I'm serious and that I'll fight for what I love." She nodded and the two shared an intimate and loving smile before their moment was ruined by Aizawa calling on (Y/N) for her fight against the class rep.

Is black and blue

Shoto Todoroki x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now