|| 2. You Babysit Claudia For The Night ||

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You were on your way walking to the vampires house, that's what you called it anyway. You didn't know what they actually called their home, probably something beyond your belief though. As for you heading there though, was a different story. A couple months back you had found a poster with 'babysitter needed for young child'. You had needed some extra money so you took the opportunity. Later that night, you had gone to the address and they told you everything. What they were, what time the child went to bed, etc. Basic enough, although their secret shocked you, you hid it well because it meant everything you did.

Anyway back to reality, you were just arriving at their house now. Honestly, they probably had one of the best houses in town. It was immaculate, it had a pool and anything you could ever want in a big house. Quickly though, you rang the doorbell and Louis answered. "Good Evening Louis!" you said. He smiled and greeted you back, "y/n!!" yelled Claudia in excitement. You hugged and that always made you happy, she was a sweet child. Well you thought so anyway. "Ah Miss y/n, good evening" said Lestat and he put on his coat walking down the stairs. "Hello Lestat!" you greeted him back as you put your bag down. "We will be gone the whole night so be good Claudia." explained Louis to you both. Weirdly, you both nodded and then laughed at each other. Soon enough, Lestat and Louis left and you guys were now home alone.

"Guess what?" you smiled and Claudia listened closely. "I bought my swimming clothes, so we can swim today!" you said excited and Claudia's eyes glowed brightly. "Yes!! Let's go change!" she said and you guys ran upstairs to her room. She got changed in her bedroom as you got changed in the bathroom, soon you were done. You knocked on Claudia's bedroom door to see if she was done, but to your surprise she was already done. Standing at the bottom of the stairs was her,  "Your cheeky!" you said. Claudia simply giggled and held up two towels, then you started to walk down the stairs. Quickly she took your hand and you jumped into the pool. The temperature of the pool stunned you, you immediately got out. "Why is it so cold?" you muttered and she hugged you. "Because we can't be in hot temperatures remember? So the pool being hot would burn us sorry. You should be okay with it after a while though" she said and you nodded. Claudia was not lying so you quickly slipped back into the pool, she got in with you this time though. Her swimming was impressive, she had taught herself. From that point on, you guys talked and swam for ages.

- Time Skip To 2am -

"We should get out, come on" you said and she obeyed quickly. You guys dried up and went back inside to get changed. "Go get changed into your pyjamas Claudia while I get changed in the bathroom okay?" you said and she nodded. As the both of you walked up the stairs, you chatted about how fun that was. Either way, Claudia went to get changed and so did you. Soon enough, you were done and so was she. "y/n I'm hungry, may I get some blood from the fridge?" asked Claudia and you nodded. She ran to the fridge as you sat down on the sofa, quickly enough she returned. Claudia demolished the bottle so fast, you didn't even have time to think of a response. Although, she got up and put it in the bin before she got comfy. "What do we read tonight?" you asked and she picked out a book you did not recognise. "My father said I can't read this but I want too badly. May we if we keep it secret?" she asked and you simply replied with "I don't know what it is?". "I'm sure it's about my fathers.." she whispered and you knew you shouldn't touch it then but you were also curious. "Okay do not tell them!" you said and Claudia opened the book.

It was full of sketches and writing, you guys looked through them. Slowly looking at each and everyone of them. Some of Louis, some of Lestat, but one in particular caught your attention. Claudia had noticed it too. It was of a big manor, all it said was 'The Plantation'. Then you guys just concluded it was nothing and put the book on the shelf. But at this point you realised it had passed Claudia's bed time, "Oh god Claudia it's past your bedtime!! Your fathers are gonna kill me." you panicked. "y/n oh no, please put me to bed before we get into trouble!" panicked Claudia and you guys ran up the stairs. You opened the lid to her coffin and she climbed in, "Goodnight y/n!" she said and hugged you. "Goodnight Claudia!" you said and switched off the light. Slowly, you closed the door and walked down the stairs. You looked at your watch again to see it was just a little past 4am, you giggled at yourself.

You felt slightly tired and decided to slowly drop off on the sofa. But just at that moment, Lestat and Louis walked through the door. You jumped up and asked if you could go home a little early since you was very tired, they agreed. "Thank you and goodbye!" you waved as you left the front door. That was a good night...

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