|| 1. Lestat Asks You On A Date And He Turns You ||

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You shouted Lestat and you found him in your room, that's where you had left him since you had to shower. "You stayed where I left you, in bed?" you asked and Lestat blushed. "Yes I did my dear, should I move?" he asked and you simply nodded. "My parents are going to be home soon, you should leave!" you giggled and he nodded. Not before he pulled you in and tickled you, in a cute way. He slipped quickly into his jacket and left, just as your parents came through the door. You waved him goodbye out the window and jumped into bed. Soon enough your parents came in and saw you sleeping, fake sleeping anyway. Although soon you fell asleep.

- The next morning at dawn -

There was a knock at your window, instantly you knew it was him. You slowly opened your window and he grabbed your hand. That always warmed your heart. He leaned over and whispered "Meet me tonight at the park, but for now I must leave. 7 okay?" and you nodded. Then he left as your parents came in, you were just closing the window. "I'm going out tonight with my friends mama, I hope you don't mind!" you said and she looked shocked. That just made you nervous, did she object? "I know your probably going on a date, you don't have to lie to me. Your 18, it's normal to go on dates at your age!" she said and you looked embarrassed. You knew you could not lie to her though so you giggled yes. She jumped in joy and immediately offered to take you shopping, "Yes please!" you responded. So just like that you got ready and left for the mall, you couldn't believe you were going on a date. Your first ever date with the love of your life.

Soon you arrived at the mall and immediately your mom took you to the clothing store. You ended up picking out a beautiful white dress that was knee length, your mum loved it as much as you. She was basically drawling over it, that made you just giggle. After your mum dragged you to the salon to get your hair done, you left for home.

- Later at 6:30pm -

Your mum knocked on the door as you were just putting on your dress, "You look so pretty!" she said as she entered. You blushed and muttered "thank you". "Let me drive you to your date!" she begged and you instantly gave in. Soon enough you guys left for your leisure park, since it was the only local park. It was about 20 minutes away so not far at all.

- At the park -

You and your mum pulled up to the park and there he was, in old 1800s clothes. They looked immaculate and it stunned you. Your mum waved you goodbye and told you to have a good time as you got out the car, then Lestat took your hand and walked with you for a while. The remainder of the sunset was beautiful to watch, something you had never imagined could be so stunning. Soon enough you hugged Lestat and sat on a hill on a blanket, it was really romantic. You started complain you was cold so he took off his jacket and passed it too you. That revealed his white tunic and you blushed even more, then he let down his long blonde hair. And in that moment, you don't know what came over you but you jumped on him to kiss him. He did not reject and you started making out and cuddling. After about 10 minutes, you guys giggled and he rested his head on your shoulder. You heard him sigh constantly, so you took his hand and comforted him. You didn't know what was wrong though, perhaps things in general.

"What's the matter Lestat?" You said softly and he looked a little mad. "I'm sorry, I'm extremely hungry. But it's not your average hungry.." he sighed and you looked confused. "You can keep a secret can't you my love?" He asked and you nodded, anything for him. "I'm a..vampire." he muttered and you pulled away, he calmed you though. "Why haven't you hurt me yet?" you asked hesitantly. "Because I love you y/n.." he said and you felt comforted for a brief moment.

"Wait so you are hungry for blood?" you asked holding out your wrist, he nodded sadly. "Take it!!" You exclaimed and shoved your wrist in his mouth, he was shocked. But did drink, he drained you to the point of death. "Now you drink!!" he said and he bit open his wrist. Lestat put it in your mouth and you drank, only so much though. You started feeling like you was going to be sick but you were not.

You was just simply turning into a vampire..
Casual you guessed...


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