He had pushed Nico down earlier and informed him he was mad and that he was getting a lecture. In their relationship, a 'lecture' is hate sex where the top explains why their mad and the bottom has to listen and deal with it.

"You're such an asshole all the time. You even make Percy an asshole. He's supposed to be pure. You corrupt him Nico!"

Jason's voice is low, his wolf training coming in as he growls, going faster and harder.

Nico's not going to lie, it hurts. Jason is huge and by the speed he's going at Nico just knows he's going to be sore for at least tomorrow.

"I-I'm sorry Jason."

Nico sobs, his voice hoarse as he speaks. His cries get loud enough for Percy to get concerned as he walks into their shared bedroom.

"J-jason? Why is... why is Nico crying like that? Are you hurting him?!"

"No. Stay out of this. I'm just giving him a lecture and he feels bad for what he's done."

Percy looks confused, approaching the bed slowly as he tries to get a grasp on the situation.

"W-what did he do?"

"I was a bad influence on you."

Nico barely gets it out between moaning and crying, his voice broken.

"Stop it Jason! Stop fucking him!"

Jaosn pulls out, both turning to look at Percy confused.

Percy rips his pants off, lying down on his back on the bed, legs spread.

Percy speaks, his voice quivering near the start but growing stronger as he speaks.

"Fuck me. Not him. I was the one who was bad, not him. You can't blame it on him and hurt him. I'm sorry I did something wrong, just take it out on me."


Jason leans over, stroking Percy cheek sweetly, thumb moving in gentle circles.

"Perce, I'm not hurting Nico. We just go rough sometimes sweetie. You don't need to save him."

"Yeah gattino. I liked it. Sometimes it just feels so good you need to cry."

Percy looks at him like a child almost, his face shining with innocence.

"So it feels good to be fucked... that hard?"

Nico nods, a small smile rising to his face.


"Why don't you fuck me like that then?"

"You're too fragile love."

"Am not."

Percy's mad, trying to look tough despite looking purely adorable to the other two.

Jason looks thoughtful, knowing what he wants to say but trying to think of an answer that wouldn't piss Percy off.

"You're not used to going rough. Nico is used to the tougher treatment. You might get hurt babe."

"Why are you two talking to me like I'm a baby? You're both rock hard and completely naked. Besides, I've fought enough monsters to be able to handle you going 'rough'."

"Why can't Nico fuck my throat all rough and stuff whilst you fuck me harder than usual?"

Percy gets on his hands and knees, hoping they accept his suggestion.

The boys give in to their beloved Percy, not being able to find it in themselves to deny him.

They find that thinking about just chasing pleasure instead of possibly hurting Percy, makes it easier to give him what he wants.

Once he's finally prepped, Jason pushes in, groaning at the tight heat around his dick. He starts matching his thrusts to Nico's, going faster and harder once he realises Nico can't go any faster due to already being sore, taking it upon himself to make up for it.

Eventually they both cum in Percy, filling him up from both ends, the sounds he was making and the tight heats around their dicks just being to much.

Percy follows closely behind, blissed out on pleasure.

It's later when they're all cuddled up in bed - clean - that Percy rests a hand on his stomach, lost in thought.

Finally, Percy breaks the silence, unable to concentrate as different topics flutter in and out of his brain.

"You know how my dad said that children of Poseidon can get pregnant?" At the nods he receives, he carries on. "I know we've been using condoms but would you ever want kids? Like biologically?"

Percy tries to keep the hope out of his voice, wanting them to answer honestly instead of just agreeing to what he wants.

Jason smiles down at Percy, watching as he immediately smiles back.

"Of course I do. Besides, with you as their mother, we'll have the prettiest kids and I'll get to rub it in Leo's face."


"Sorry. Sorry. You know he'd do it to me though."

Percy sighs exasperated, turning to face Nico.

Nico presses a kiss to Percy's forehead, loving the blush that grew on his cheeks.

"Jason's right. We'll have the prettiest kids and it'll be all thanks to you."

Percy smiles, feeling bashful yet so, so grateful.

He's so lucky to have such wonderful boyfriends.

"Did you like that earlier? Or did it hurt?"

Nico couldn't help but ask, worrying that Percy may have regretted it.

"I loved it! I want it like that all the time and I want Lukey to do it, ooh and Will when he visits."

Nico turns to Jason, a fond smile on his face.

"This boy is going to wear us out."

"Reckon he's trying to break our dicks?"

Percy giggles, finding the thought stupid but secretly wondering if that was a thing he could do.

He decided against it, realising that meant no dick for him.

"Just promise to keep being our ray of sunshine instead of meanies like us."

Percy smiles, snuggling closer to the both of them.

"Of course. I'll be good."

Kinda took the piss a bit at the end with Percy wanting to get fucked by Luke and Will but oh well.

BTW, if you spot anything in any of the chapters that hasn't been given a warning but you feel deserves one, let me know and I'll add it in.

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