quatre (four)

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Weekend passed away quickly and it was Monday. YAY!! No.. Not really for me. I hated Monday for many reasons. One, I hated waking up early which I had to because my Monday classes started for 9. Two, I hated bathing early in the morning and I could not go with a bathe as it was the only thing that would wake me wide up to reach classes safely and attend them awake otherwise you never know I might drift off to sleep while driving and even in classes. three I hated getting all dress up properly which I had to coz on Monday we had to wear formals I.e. white shirt, black pants and a black coat like we wear off to our office and I hated wearing these clothes. fourth and the last reason I hated Monday is coz I had really boring classes on Monday the class in which I try to listen to the teacher every time he/she spoke, I would listen to their words but I could never make out what they really wanted to so, in short I was getting a D in all the classes which were on Monday, luckily enough I had two only.

I reached college in time and was greeted by my friends at my locker. Bri had already told them about our weekend so all of them warmed me with their hugs. 

"Hey guys. whatsup?" I said moving Bri aside and opening my locker. She gasped at me but I ignored.

"Nothing." Amanda and harry said in unison to which I and Bri started laughing. Amanda started blushing and harry was staring at her. I turned to my locker and saw a note in it.

"Will be waiting for you in the class ;)


After me Bri saw it and took it from my hand. "Sam? Who is Sam? And why is his waiting for you in the class?" she asked me and I told her about yesterday's pizza incident.

"You mean the Samuel Clayton, the one in your class asked you out and you said no?" Amanda said.

"SAMUEL CLAYTON!!! are you sure it Samuel Clayton?" Bri asked Amanda in a shock while I had no clue about it and harry was not interested in our chat. he was busy with his cell phone.

"The only Samuel I know of in our class is Samuel Clayton." Amanda told Bri.

"Why are you both this worried about this guy Samuel Clayton? Who is he?" I asked them as I could no longer stop myself from being curious.

"You don’t know Samuel Clayton? He is the definition of hotness in our whole university or better I say in the park woods. Every girl has a crush on him and he can get anyone he want and when I say anyone I really mean ANYONE. No one has dared to say no to him because apart from being hot he is good at everything be it studing or sports. he is the caption of the basket ball team of our college and he always gets what he wants. And due to all the talent he has, he is rude, self-obsessed and arrogant. He has never asked a girl out on date and you are the first person he has asked." Bri told me all this in one go. I wonder how she knows all this and I don’t. And above this why didn’t I ever notice him in class if he was this hot? And why did he ask me out when he had never asked anyone else? I had no clue of all this but I really wanted the answers.

"umm....okay. I will just go and say sorry to him. but I won’t say yes for a date coz I don’t want to go with him." before anyone could object the bell rang signalling us to move in our classes "bye guys see you at lunch table." we all said our byes to each other and left. Me and Amanda to our class and harry and Bri left for their.

I entered the class and saw Sam was actually sitting next to the place where I would usually sit. I really didn’t see that coming. When he said he would be waiting I expected him to meet but not sit with me for the lecture. 

"I told you I would be waiting. Here I am." he said to me as I reached up to my seat with Amanda next to me. "Hey I am Samuel. You can call me Sam" he said to Amanda while moving his hand in front to shake hands.

"Hi. I am Amanda. Issabella’s friend." she went to the other side and sat next to me. So now I sat between Sam and Amanda. Great. Now I won’t even be able to listen to what the teacher says.

"So you are Samuel Clayton?" I asked him and he nodded. "But why were you delivering pizzas then that day? "

"That doesn’t matter to you." he said with no expressions on his face as if he didn’t want to talk about it. I got his message and didn’t ask about it.

Before I could say anything else the teacher entered the class and started giving us our checked test papers. I had again got a D. if I got a D again I would fail in this class. I really need a tutor. I saw Sam's grade and not to my surprise he had an A+.

"How can you be so good in this subject" I said

"How could you be so bad in this subject" he said

We both said it at the same time to each other and started laughing and talking.

"Miss Issabelle and Mr. Samuel. If you two are done, shall I continue with my class?" the teacher said to us telling us to shut up or he would send us outside in way. I mouthed "sorry sir" and to my amusement Sam said "yaa sure sir" which made me giggle a bit.

"So class today I would be giving you assignment which you will have to do in teams of two people.." I and Amanda instantly looked at each other "..Which would be decided by me and since we have equal number of boys and girls in our class, each team would be having one boy and one girl. So the teams are....." all our excitement settled as the teacher said so. I was not really listening to the teacher with concentrations, just waiting to listen to my name “Issabella and Samuel....." I and Sam are in the same team. Any girl in the class would be more than happy to be working with the hottest topper of the class but me, I don’t know if I should be happy because I would pass coz I had Samuel in my team or sad coz I had Samuel in my team and he would try to hit on me and irritate me. 
"Well! Hello partner!" Sam said in full excitement.
"Yaya whatever makes you happy" I said in a monotonous tone.

After the class I was free till lunch so I decided to go to the coffee shop which was on campus as coffee was my oxygen. I would order something different every time with a doughnut or a muffin or sometimes even brownie. I entered the coffee shop and saw River. River was a really nice sweet guy who worked at the coffee shop and he was a really good friend now. He smiled at me as I entered and I smiled back. I ordered cafe mocha and a cheesecake brownie and sat there reading my book. I didn’t talk to River today as he was really busy as there were lots of people coming by they shop today and he was all alone.

I was busy reading my book when I felt someone standing beside me. I looked up from my book and it was none other than Sam.

“What do you want?” I asked him

“Hello to you too, Issa. I am fine. Thank you so much for not asking” he said sarcastically. “And to answer your question I am here coz I want to have coffee and I hope now that is not a problem for you. Is it?”

“no its not. I didn’t mean to ask that. I was asking why you are standing here, next to me.”

“Well I am here as I saw you and I thought we could discuss about the assignment we have been partnered for and even discuss when and where I will be tutoring you, only if you want me to.”

Realization hit my face “ohhh” I said making a stupid face. “Come on then sit.”

“Eager much. Let me get my coffee first, if you don’t want to share yours. I won’t mind that too.”

 “But I would. Go get your own.” I liked this between us small jokes on anything and everything. He went and came back with one coffee and two choco-chip cookies and pushed one towards me. I took it without arguing as no one says no to choco-chip cookies. Well at least not me. The conversation started flowing quickly and we forgot that he was here to discuss the assignment and to decided when he would tutor me and not to have a friendly chit chat but it’s never bad to make a new friend. 


If anyone is reading this story even after this long time of no update, I LOVE YOU.

I am sorry for this late update. I have been busy with college and everything. but I wonder "IS ANYONE EVEN READING THIS" I would love to know if anyone is. 

If you like it pleaseee vote or comment. if you are even reading, please vote or comment.I will really appreciate it.

Nikki :) :)

falling for the wrong person (updating slowly)Where stories live. Discover now