Inappropriate Horn-ball

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The night was cool but she felt like she had fire licking up and down her veins. She was angry. And horny. Whenever she would remember she was horny she just got angry again because it just proved men were dicks.

How inconsiderate can men be that they cheat and take away all the free dick that was handing out? I mean the only reason she got into the relationship was so that she could be regularly fucked by someone she liked.

Cassie climbed over her window ledge onto her fire escape. Sometimes she freaked herself out with how the stairs spiralled down to each neighbour's apartment but then she remembered that she slept with a knife in her room so she felt a bit better. The whole reason she switched her bedroom to the one with the fire escape balcony was because she was so paranoid. At least now she could watch the area at all times. Any creak, any squeak, she was up and glaring out of the window, usually at the nothing. One time she thought she saw a white cat but it turned out to be steam curling up into the shape of a cat. Plus she was still coming down from the mushrooms she had taken earlier that day.

"You're always out here," she said before her brain could catch up. She saw the glow of the light always come on around eight almost every night. There were random nights it didn't happen and it was never the same so she couldn't detect a pattern.

"You're not," his gravelled voice came a bit later.

"You noticed me not here, huh?"

"I think it was the lack of smoke or somethin'. Not sure," he chuckles. He always sounded like he had a smile on his face. He sounded sexy as fuck too.

"Why are you always out here?"

Another chuckle, "It's quiet."

I could almost taste the usually hanging in the air.

"Didn't you come to the wrong city for quiet?"

"It seems like it," she could hear the snark and that smile. It was making her blood fizz.

"You calling me noisy?"

"I didn't really want to say anything," he says laughing in that low way. It was like he could only laugh if it was coming from the back of his throat. She bet he had a hot throat. Prominent Adam's apple that was framed by those thick tendons. She was a sucker for necks.

"You know," she said breaking her train of thought, "I didn't talk first."


"You talked to me first so you're the noisy one."

"Mmm," he hummed he said going quiet again.

All that surrounded them was street sounds and the occasional loud chatter of pedestrians. The natural quiet was all well and good if you appreciated it, but she wasn't that type of person. It why her friends were loud, she had a chaotic job and her life was a mess.

It really wasn't her fault.

The quiet got to Cass. It was getting to her now.

"You sound like you moan good," she said breaking it.

"Whoa whoa whoa."

Fucking horn-ball, shut up. Her palm whacked her head twice so that she could possibly start speaking sensibly.

"Too strong?"

"Way too strong," he was laughing though. That still didn't make it right.

"I'm drunk?"

"Naw, that's not gonna work," he was still laughing. Cassie sat down on her huge cushion and covered her face in embarrassment only she felt. Gone was horny and angry; in came humiliation. Maybe her neighbour felt the same and was dealing with it differently. God, she wanted to go back in time.

"I'm sorry for that," she says into her hands. A breeze swept through the slatted metal grate and she thought she could smell coffee.

"I'll take it," there was a metal creak like he stood up, "Thank you."

The sound of the street filled the silence between them. Hunkering down in her hoodie, she felt like air between them go stale. The city buzz was starting to get to her, the quiet was making her agitated. She flapped her criss-crossed legs and felt the need to open her mouth but she knew nothing good or productive would come out of it.

"Have a nice night," he called out.

"You too."

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