"I know you heard the chants"

"I have seen you use magic, the night we first met" he points and she grins.

"And you are not even curious?" she asks while he shakes his head no.

"Not my place" he replies as he turns around.

"There is magic inside everyone Connor, and you are the Queen's mate, there must be..." Jade stops when at once Connor grips her neck slamming her on the wall, which she did not sense or see coming.

"You helped me out, gave a roof to stay in, bed to sleep, animals to hunt when hungry. I will forever be in debt but you have not earned the right to mention her to me" he warns and Jade nods her head once getting the point, he squeezes her neck once before letting her go.


"Fight" the woman commands before they shift and start to attack Connor at once.

But even before they finish their shift all of them howl and falls down on the ground in pain while the group of men and women gasps in shock as none of them even saw him move.

"Are we done?" Connor asks making the woman who commanded the attack blink at him before she nods her head and Connor nods back as he quietly walks away from the fighting grounds.

"Alpha" Jade's beta bends and whispers to Jade's ear.

"Tonight, follow him" Jade commands as she turns and walks away from the steps of her house as she does not find it a least bit amusing that Connor without even lifting a finger could win a fight against her best fighters.


"I am back" Connor states as he nods at Jade before he turns away and Jade says nothing as the man walks away from the door while Jade stays quiet.

"Was there someone with him?" Jade asks her beta who shakes her head.

"All alone"

"Are you sure he was an ancient?" Jade asks.

"Yes, shoved his hand right through the man's chest and pulled out the heart while he fed from him"

"No, injury?"

"The vampire did not even see him coming, he just went grabbed the man, twisted his head, sink his fangs in, shoved his hand right through the man's chest before he was done"

"Anything else?" Jade asks her beta who nods her head.

"He went back to his village, put fresh flowers to his sister's grave before he stayed there for a while and returned to the pack"

"Did anyone see him?" she asks.

"No, even I had difficulty to follow him, he went, killed, he walked out. We may have problem, Alpha. This man is dangerous, he is a silent killer" her beta points and Jade nods her head.

"Tomorrow morning, I will be training with him"

"Are you sure?" the beta asks.

"Are you doubting your Alpha?" Jade asks and the beta hurries to correct herself before taking her leave.


"Jade" Connor nods as he watches the woman makes her way towards the fighting ground as she passes her jacket one of her pack members.

"I am your opponent today" Jade announces making Connor stare at her for a moment before he nods his head.

"You are fighting me in your human form?" he asks when she does not shift at all.

"I will be fighting you in my Alpha mode" Jade grins as she takes her stance before nodding at her beta who nods back before she commands both of them to set ready before she shouts the word, fight.


Jade attacks first, running in full speed as she grabs Connor's shoulder with her hands but he slips away as he runs to the other side of the corner and Jade smirks as she shakes her hands and Connor narrows his eyes when she grabs something in the air and jerks.

To his shock his body on their own moves to where she was and her fists greets him. The cheer starts as they howl for their Alpha.

"What the..." Connor frowns as he touches his nose while he stares at Jade in shock but she does not stop before attacking him and Connor jumps away only to walk back towards her but this time he is prepared as he grabs her hand before she can punch him.

But Jade kicks him on his stomach making him stumble away.

"What did you do?" he demands as his body was not in his control but she does not reply as she speeds up to attack him.

Connor dodges each of her punches and kicks before he grabs her hand and twists it behind her back only but her to elbow his cheek.

"Take that you blood sucker" the crowd shouts and Connor narrow his eyes as he looks around him before he takes the fight seriously.

The crowd goes wild as they see nothing but the figures of both of them and hears grunts and sounds of flesh hitting flesh. Jade stumbles back as Connor kicks on her knees, the crowd gasps as Connor grabs Jade's neck trying to pick her up but she uses her reflexes to wrap her legs around his hand and twist her body.

Connor pushes her away and jumps back as Jade aims for his leg, she runs and grabs his head and jaw trying to twist it but he hits her with his head, grabbing the back of her head he shoves her on the ground.

Jade grips his ankle with both her hands using her strength she put the pressure in his leg. He lets go of her head to push her hands and taking the advantage he knocks his chin with her head. But he does not stumble back as he grabs the back of her neck and picks her up, twisting we arm behind her he halts her movement.

"Give up" he asks and Jade stays still on his hold for a moment before she shifts to her wolf form.

Connor steps away as the wolf howls and growls before running to his side and trying to bite him but Connor grabs the fur of Jade's neck and swings his body to straddle on her back while he grips handful of her fur.

The wolf shakes it body to drop Connor down but he hits the wolf on the head with his elbow and Jade stop running as she shakes her head, seeing her distracted Connor uses his body's strength and speed and twists himself along with the wolf, sending both of them down on the ground as he bares his fangs and asks the wolf to submit.

Everyone sucks their breath watching their Alpha get defeated by the vampire and sensing the buzz Connor lets go of the wolf and steps away while Jade slowly gets up and shakes her body.

"Shift" Connor commands the wolf and everyone gasps in horror as Jade shifts to her human form but Connor eyes stays on her face before one of her beta's hands her the clothes.

"In the office" Jade glare at Connor who nods once before Jade walks away towards her office and Connor touches his arm as he feels something loosen around them.

Crystal {Completed}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang