♡ When He Realises He Has Feelings For You ♡

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I grunted, slowly opening my eyes. I'm laying on my couch, my familiar, small apartment coming into view. I groaned and stood up, walking through the piles of clothing and trash on my floor. I really should clean the apartment. Finally I reached the kitchen where I got some cereal and a bowl. That's when the image of (Y/n) popped into my head. Her beautiful (H/L), (H/C) hair, her glimmering (E/C) eyes and her body, every curve printed in my mind. Why did she make me feel this way? How on earth did she make me feel love? I tried to stop thinking about her, but I just couldn't. I need to talk to her. I need to tell her how I feel. I need to make her mine, no matter what. I grabbed a hoodie that I think was clean, a pair of jeans and I put them on. I quickly grab my keys and run out to try and find my beautiful (Y/n).

I stared at my phone, thinking if I should call (Y/n). I'm overthinking this! Just call her and ask her to hang out, it's not that big of a deal. I dialled her number, pretty nervous. Then, her angelic voice rang out. "Heya 74j! What's up?" Her voice said from the phone. "H-hey (Y/n)! Wanna hang out today maybe?" I asked, stuttering a bit. "Of course! I have the whole day off from work, how about we go get lunch, then go to the movies and then get dinner together?" She asked with excitement. I nodded, although she couldn't see it. "Alright! I'll pick you up in a bit!" I say and we say goodbye. I grab my keys but I stop. Why do I like her so much? I'm not in love, am I? I think back to her eyes, voice, personality, everything. Yep, definitely in love.

"You dork! How did this happen?" (Y/n) called out to me as she ran towards me laying helplessly in the puddle of mud. I only gave her a groan in response. She stopped, only to laugh even more. "It's not funny (N/N)! I just fell over!" I exclaimed, and she finally helped me up after catching her breath from all her laughing. I stuck my tongue out at her with a scowl. She only giggled at that and grabbed my arm. "Come on, let's go home and get you cleaned up," she said and ran with me back to her house. I felt butterflies in my stomach when she grabbed a hold of my hand, and I watched her hair flow behind her as she ran. I couldn't like her. I just couldn't. It would ruin or friendship. But at the same time, I still want to be the one who she loves.

I sighed softly, pushing around the pencils and papers on my desk. Why is there so much paperwork today? I could be hanging out with (Y/n). I blushed slightly at that thought, immediately shaking it off. No, I should be working. Although I would much more like it being around her then being in this blank and boring office. Maybe a walk in the park, or go to the beach to play volleyball. To get to see her beautiful hair swaying in the soft wind, her eyes even more elegant then the ocean itself. I mentally slapped myself. No. (Y/n) and I are just friends.

I walked through the halls of the palace, trying to find (Y/n). She promised we would go on our daily stroll through the royal garden, but I couldn't find her. I was getting kinda worried about her. She wasn't in the kitchen where she would usually be, nor was she in the break room hiding from Katie and the other two, Tessa and Mary. "Where could she be?" I murmured to myself. I heard shuffling behind me and turned around. There was Katie, standing lazily against the wall. "If your looking for (Y/n), she's probably already in the garden," Katie said, annoyance rolling off her tongue. I nodded and thanked her. First time she was ever helpful. I walked to the garden, to see (Y/n) sitting on one of the benches. She was holding one of the pink worms, grooming it softly. I stared at her, her hands swiftly grooming and petting at the same time. Groom, pet. Over and over. I smiled and walked over to her when I snapped out of my trance. "Hello (Y/n). It's good to see you," I said and she looked at me, smiling. "Hi! Sorry I came here a bit early," she said and nervously chuckled. I laughed and shook my head. "No worry's dear, it's alright," I said. She grinned, which gave me butterflies. Why did I feel this way? Why did I feel like I love her? Do I love her? That's a stupid question, of course I love her.

(Y/n) walked into my small store, greeting our only worker. "Hey Filthco! I have some tea to spill!" (Y/n) called out when she noticed me. I walked over with a big smile and pulled her into a hug. She instantly hugged back and started rambling about the new worker in her office. I barely heard anything she said, I just stared at her while stroking her hair. She rambled on for a long time until I gave her a cup of coffee. "Thank you." She said and closed her eyes while sipping the coffee. "No problem." I said and smiled. She looked prettier then ever. I loved her, no doubt.

Grocery Gang x Reader [Boyfriend Scenarios]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora