♡ When You First Meet Him ♡

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You walked with your brother to the coffee shop, ready to get some caffeine into your body. You were laughing at a stupid joke your brother made as you opened the door to the little shop. Jimmy's Coffee, was the shop called. The welcoming ring of the bell filled your ears, and then the sound of quiet chattering. "Go get us a table Tin Tin," You told your brother. Tin Tin. Your brother, Tinnily's, nickname. He nodded and went to find a table. You walked up to the counter, waiting in the short line to order. Your eyes darted around the room, when a pair of light blue eyes met yours. Your eyes traveled down from the eyes, to his outfit and up to his hair. He was wearing a white sweater with a white and pink top hat. His hair was a white, gray-ish colour. He held a book and a coffee mug, and when he saw you looking at him he smiled softly. You looked away, slightly embarrassed and walked up to the counter to order. A teen who looked like she would rather be dead then work here was at the counter. You ordered a caramel mocha for yourself, a chocolate milkshake for your brother and two slices of cake. You paid and walked to the table your brother was sitting at. "(N/N)!" He called you over with a bright, childish grin. "Shush, don't be so loud Tin Tin," You told him as you sat down. Despite him being 10 and you being 23, you two still got along very well. "My king, I have brought you the magical chocolate milkshake and chocolate cake," Yoi said to him in a formal voice, gracefully handing him the milkshake and smirking playfully. Tinnily giggled and played along. "Thank you, I shall give you a present for you're kindness," Tinnily said and handed you your caramel mocha and cake. You laughed and took a sip of your drink. "So, Tin Tin. How's school?" You asked your brother, who was busy taking a big bite of his cake. "Its alright, but boring," he said with a blank face. You chuckled and took a bite of your own cake. You felt eyes on you, so you glanced over. The man with the beautiful blue eyes was staring at you with a small grin, then looking back at his book and sketching furiously in it.

You shrugged it off, thinking he was just a weirdo or something. Tinnily noticed you had looked over at the boy and smirked. "Do you like that boy?" He asked playfully. You glared at him and shook your head. "What? He's a stranger! I don't even know him. Why would you think I like him?" You asked with pink dusting your cheeks. Tinnily shook his head before turning his attention back to his food. You and Tinnily continued with the food before the boy with the light blue eyes sat down besides us. "Sorry to disturb you, but I couldn't help but notice you. I wanted to say hi and uh.. say sorry that I seemed like a creep for staring," the man said. "I'm Fiddlepat," the boy introduced himself. You smiled warmly. "No worry's! I'm (Y/n) and this is my brother Tinnily," You told him. Fiddlepat smiled. "(Y/n). That has a nice ring to it," Fiddlepat complemented. You blushed and thanked him. In your peripheral vision You could see Tinnily making kissy faces and giggling to himself. You glared at him and stuck your tongue out at him. You heard Fiddlepat chuckle beside you and You turned to him with a nervous smile. "Sorry, Tinnily is being annoying today," You said and laughed nervously. "Hey!" Tinnily yelled at you with his best angry face, but ending up making a face as if he was sucking a very sour lemon. Fiddlepat and you laughed at his funny face, and he finally gave in and started laughing with us. People were glancing over at you three but but you paid them no mind. "So, would you maybe like to hang out (Y/n)? You seem like an awesome person," Fiddlepat asked after we had stopped laughing. You nodded vigorously and smiled widely. "Of course! You seem like an awesome person too!" 'And a hot one for sure' you thought to yourself" Can I give you my number? I can text or call you and maybe we can hand out tomorrow if your free," you said grinning. In your peripheral vision, Tinnily was making a disgusted face and gagged jokingly. You rolled your eyes and gave Fiddlepat your number. "I think I'm free tomorrow, but I'll text you tonight to let you know. Bye (Y/n), Tinnily," Fiddlepat said and stood up, taking his sketch book and pen. He gave you a wink on his way out, making you blush furiously. When he was gone, Tinnily burst out laughing. "You like him!" He exclaimed with a smirk. You hit him playfully in the shoulder. "Shut up Tin Tin," You said.

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