May luck be with us

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(Third person POV)

It was now 6 PM, and everyone had arrived at a bar downtown. "I must say it was quite the shock hearing you were gonna join us today Endeavour." Best Jeanist lightly chuckled while fixing his hair. "I know right! I was surprised as well. Good to have you here." Mirko said while clapping him on the back. Edgeshot nodded in agreement.

(Hawks POV)

"Well then, let us make a toast!" I smiled and raised my glass. The others did the same. "May luck be with us all!" I shouted as our cups touched.

We continued drinking and having fun all evening. I haven't had so much fun in ages, and I think I drank a little too much. My head was spinning as I looked over at Enji. He was good at holding his drinks, and wasn't affected at all. The others began worrying about me, and decided we'd stop here for the night.

As I stood up, suddenly my feet gave in and I collapsed. When I woke up, I was leaning on Enji who were holding me up straight. "Nghh.." I mumbled. "I see you're awake. You collapsed, and the others told me to take you home, so you better tell me your address." He said while I still didn't know what was going on.

It was dark and quiet, all I was able too see and hear were the streetlights and Enji's soft breathing. "Hehe address." I giggled, still wasted. "We can sit down until you're sober enough to speak properly." He told me as we found a bench. He put me down and seated himself beside me.

"Here, I bought some water earlier, open your mouth." Slowly I opened my mouth and the cold water brushed over my tongue. I swallowed as he gave me more. "Thaaanksss." I grinned like an idiot.

(Endeavour POV)

As I continued giving him the water, some of it dropped down from his lip and onto his neck. I swallowed. To think that he could be such a mess when drunk..he gave me a tingly feeling whenever our eyes met. It was kinda awkward, but he looked so defenseless. It made me want to embrace and hold him..No snap out of it Enji! It's the alcohol that's talking, you are not in your right mind right now.

Suddenly he grabbed my face, I looked right into his eyes. His pupils were so big and beautiful. A blush appeared on Hawks's face as he pushed his lips against mine. "Mpfh!" I let out. I tried pushing him away, but my arms wouldn't let me. I had no other choice but to give in.

His lips were so soft, and his breath was warm. Small moans escaped us, I pushed my tongue in and began getting a little too excited.

Suddenly he jumped into my lap, still kissing me. Slowly he began grinding against me. "Mhm.." I moaned as we rubbed against each other.

I didn't know what was going on in my mind right now, theres no way I would do this sober..or..would I? No, he's annoying and I dont like him at all. As I said that I felt my dick twitch. My body reacted against my will.

"Ngh..Enji..I wanna do it." Hawks said kissing my neck. "N-no, we can't." I replied as he began stroking my erection. "Haah, this thing of yours says otherwise..hmm?" He smirked as he kissed me again.

To be honest, I was so turned on right now that I just wanted to devour him right here and now. But even as a little tipsy, I still had self control. I met out a sigh as I whispered in his ear, "let's go to a motel then."

As I said that, his wings began vibrating again. I could tell he was excited.

When we arrived at the motel, we went to order a room at the front. The lady looked at us, clearly hiding a smirk. Well who wouldn't look at us when they see the Nr.1 hero and the Nr.2 hero wanting a room at a motel. "Room 389, have a nice stay." The lady smiled at us as she gave she gave me the key.

We took the elevator up to the 5th floor, and I unlocked the door. Just as we got inside and locked the door, Hawks was all over me again. But this time, i didn't hesitate.

(To be continued)

As I watch the world burn (EndHawks)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat