Chapter 2

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{PLEASE READ} Hey you guys! Welcome to the newest chapter of Because I am a Mother! Because I posted the poll only a few hours ago, there is only one result and that was that in this chapter, you would be meeting Shoto! I had a feeling that he would be picked so we will just roll with it! I am going to try and introduce at least two heroes in each chapter, until I can just write cutesy pieces with romance and family moments! Anyway, check out the poll on my profile, each poll for this story will have the same cover art so it will be easy to tell.
Enjoy the chapter! xxx


(y/n) pov

Today is Saturday! I had the day off from the cafe, the boys didn't have daycare until Monday, which meant that we could spend the whole day together! The only problem was, that Kei had caught a nasty cold, so Yuuma refused to leave his side and I was going to be taking care of him. Yuuma was adamant that he could help, I just smiled and told him that if there were things he could help with, I would be happy to let him.

Yuuma's big green eyes stared into his little brother's tired, nearly closed eyes. Kei seemed to fall ill often, he was a sickly baby when he was born, there were a lot of complications and we had to stay in the hospital for another two weeks after the two were born. I sighed, "Yuuma, you need to come with me, you'll get sick staying with Kei." I told him gently, frowning sympathetically as he huffed and shook his head. I tried to think of ways I could get him to come with me, to let his brother sleep. My head perked up as I had an idea.

"Yuuma," I whispered, trying not to disturb Kei, "I need your help making special medicine for Kei." I told him, watching as his face switched quickly from a pout to a bright smile. "It will help Otouto?" He asked me, cutely tilting his head to the side. I gave him a close-eyed grin and nodded. He leapt to his feet, jostling his brother's bed and running out of the room. I giggled lightly, kneeling to check on Kei.

His face was flushed and clammy, his eyes were nearly closed and his mouth was slightly agape and puffing out small, shallow breaths. 'My poor baby,' I thought to myself, kissing his forehead and tucking him in further. I placed a new cold rag on his head and left the room quietly, avoiding the toys scattered across the floor. Making my way to the kitchen, I thought it would be nice to make Kei chicken noodle soup for lunch, maybe some hot water with honey and lemon.

I opened the fridge and took a peak, sighing and standing back up, I rubbed my forehead in frustration, 'I guess it has been a while since I've been grocery shopping.' I thought to myself, 'I have nobody to watch Kei, I'll have to take him with me and Yuuma, even if he is ill.' I looked over at Yuuma, he had an electric smile on his face about helping his brother. "Okay Pebble, game plan," I told him, giggling as he stood to attention, a hand to his forehead. "Kei is poorly and we have no food in the house, so we are all going to go shopping and then we will come home and make some soup and special medicine!" I cheered, watching in amusement as Yuuma jumped up and down.

"And this will make Otouto better?" He asked, I nodded. Yuuma ran to get his shoes and socks on and I went to get Kei ready and comfortable. I walked into the boys' room, seeing Kei stirring, sitting up and rubbing his eyes cutely. "Mama?" He whimpered, my heart squeezed for my poor baby. I sat at the foot of his bed and asked if he wouldn't mind coming with me and Yuuma to the supermarket, even though he didn't really have a choice in the matter. He seemed to be excited to leave his bed so he nodded and clambered to my lap and made grabby hands at my face.

I kneeled down to his head, looking into his eyes questioningly, "Hot," He mumbled, pressing his forehead against my own, of course, he still had a fever. I sighed, "I know sweet-pea, I know." I picked him up, trying not to disturb him too much, I wrapped him up in his winter coat and bundled him up in blankets before setting him down in the stroller. Yuuma ran up to the two of us, "Kei! We're going to make you better!" He cried happily, jumping up and down and probably disrupting the downstairs neighbours. Kei gave a weak smile and nodded, drifting off to sleep in the stroller again.

Because I am a Mother - BNHA x single mother readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz