Chapter Two: The Plan

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Henry decided it would be best to create his own organisation. Only problem was Henry, Geoffrey, Evan and Dave are all stranded on the desert. However alot of space also means a good place to build a criminal base. As it will be in a unknown location. Henry, Geoffrey, Evan and Dave decided to walk further out in the desert in search of a city or somewhere out of the desert.
'So Ellie, what are your plans to capture Henry' a minion asked. 'I must move on and ignore him. I must not let him get in my head. Even if he abandoned me at The Complex.' 'OK ma'am' said the henchman. Despite saying all that Ellie couldn't help but be impressed with Henry's skills to escape the Airship and survive.
Suddenly Henry saw a man driving a car in the distance. He saw the man was driving away from the police. Henry and his gang hopped on. 'Who the hell are you guys?' asked Larry as he pointed his gun at them. 'You want some help against the police' asked Henry. Before Larry could respond Henry stole his gun and aimed it at the cars behind them. Henry shot the tires and saw that car crash into another making an explosion. Geoffrey and Evan assisted and took out the other cars as well. Dave threw grenades at the cars. Larry pulled up the car 'Thank you guys, what are you doing in the desert anyway?' Larry questioned. 'We are trying to create our own criminal organisation to go up against the Toppat Clan.' Evan explained. Larry was interested in the idea. 'I'll join your gang but what is the name of it?' asked Larry. 'I think we will call it Outlaw Operations' Henry answered. 'So anyway what did you do to get the police chasing you' Geoffrey asked. 'I stole a hell lotta money from the bank' Larry showed the money bags. 'We can invest that money into making bases and later on a air vehicle where everybody can live in. We also can get more people to join our gang aswell.' said Dave. 'I'll take us to the city to get the stuff we need to purchase' Larry assisted on.
Ellie was enjoying her time of being leader of The Toppat Clan. She was still considering if she should attack Henry or not. Ellie couldn't understand why Henry left her back at The Wall. She knew their had to be a reason because if Henry helped her up too then they could escape easier as a duo.
'Why did you leave Ellie at the Complex, Henry' asked Geoffrey. Henry replied 'I don't know, I guess I was too shy to help her up because I kinda errrrr' 'Kinda what? Don't tell me you are interested in her' claimed Geoffrey. Henry blushed at the idea 'No, of course not. Why would I have  feelings for my enemy?!' Henry said. Geoffrey decided to avoid topic. Now Evan, Larry and Dave know how Henry feels. 'You can't let your emotions stop your goals, boss' Dave said. 'We arrived at the city' Larry declared. 'We need to get many materials to build our base so let's get some.' Henry ordered. 'Boss what if we hired builders to do it, we can give them the blueprints and give them a huge pay cheque' Evan suggested. Henry then said 'You two can hire the builders I will hand you two the money to offer them, me and Larry will find some criminals' Henry explained. Evan, Geoffrey and Dave went off in the city. 'Henry there is a prison in this city, we could break in and rescue the prisoners, but we need a method to break in. Should we try to disguise as a cop, get in through the vents at the top and sneak in quietly or go in aggressive with the guns.' Larry suggested.

The choice is now yours. Should Henry and Larry grab a disguise, sneak in or go full aggressive. Comment below.

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