The Beginning

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Hell. The scorching, demon infested, toturous pit, my home. Me, one of the last remaining members of the Order, the most powerful position in Hell next to Lucifer himself. A member of the Order was feared by every soul and demon trapped in this abyss. One of the Order knew every torture method known to man and demon alike, and had perfected them. They knew every way to kill a man, beast or angel, it was permenantly imprinted in our minds since the day the Order was created.

I was just lucky enough to be Lucifer's number one, the strongest soul in all of the pit, besides Lucifer himself. Of course, that wasn't hard considering there weren't many of us left, most of my siblings had been slain by those pompous pricks called angels, a parting gift to Lucifer from Heaven, the only remaining members of the Order were my brother, Oliver and I. Good thing, too, because I rather enjoyed being alive. Being alive allowed for me to enjoy my hobbies of torturing damned souls or feeding the hell hounds. Not that I had too much to worry about, besides the boss I really didn't have all that much to worry about, I was powerful. There was almost nothing able to kill me, hell, even harm me.

"Are you monologueing to yourself again, Kasindra?" The voice of Oliver snapped me out of my thoughts. He had entered my room and was standing in front of my mirror, messing with his long black hair.

"I'm going to say no and when I do you're gonna pretend it's the truth. So, no." I responded with a small smile. He let out a short laugh and turned to me. I was lounging on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

"What was it this time? Fat people or rednecks?"

"Neither, actually. Although I am in the mood to rant about those two things. The world has really let itself go. Reason number one of why I prefer to stay down here than up there." He let out another chuckle and plopped down next to me, using my legs as a pillow.

"Now I don't even want to know what you were so deep in thought about. So, did you hear the news?" I shook my head and my mood sobered, news was never good. Ever. "There's another human with the Mark. It's finally popped up again and Lucifer isn't happy."

I groaned and fell back into my black pillows. Everything in my room was black, a little drab but it still looked good. "I wouldn't be either." I rolled my eyes. "So, who do you think he'll send after the little whore?"

I lifted my head and propped myself up using my elbows, looking at him. He looked at me like I was crazy. "You, of course. Why in the world would he send me? I'm not nearly as strong as you."

"But you are crazier." He shoved me gently and I shoved him back, maybe a little too hard as he flew off my bed and onto the carpet. He landed on his butt and was looking angry, his eyes flashing black. He stood up and was just about to lunge at me when the door to my room slammed open. I lazily looked in that direction but widened my eyes when I realized that It was Lucifer, and he looked pissed. I scrambled to stand and once I did I pressed the side of my fist to my chest in salute.

"Kasindra. I have a mission for you." His dark voice seemed to echo itself in a way that just seemed dark and sinister. I nodded curtly at him, I had to be careful, he was already angered about something and if I was disrespectful to any degree... It wouldn't end well for either me or my brother. I suppressed the shudder that came when I remembered what happened last time anyone has angered him. Lucifer had slain half the demons in Hell just to get to one soul.

"There is another being with the Mark." he explained. "I need you to bring her to me. I will not loose the Mark to the pitiful lifespan of humans again, and I definitely will not allow the Mark to fall into the hands of my brother. Once I have the Mark you may kill her in any way you please." A malicious smile met my lips before I could stop it, my eyes flashing black. I grew excited at the thought of blood. Lucifer noticed and an almost identical grin planted itself on his face.

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