Chapter 6

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What Daniel said have been bothering me lately. That night, I couldn't even sleep. I couldn't think clearly. All I have in mind is that three-worded line.

"I want you."

What did he mean by that? Is he trying to tell me that he wants us to do that thing again?

Is that what he wanted?

Is this what this whole thing's all about?

Shaking my head I tried freeing my mind from thoughts that effectively affected the entirety of my system. My head. My body. My emotions. Everything.

I feel like I'm only a moving limb with uncertain function. The only definite thing about me right now is..

"Two more swipes and I think I'll clearly see my future reflected in that table."


Dazed, I turned my head to see who's talking.


"I-I'm sorry!" I blew out startled to see him close with crossed arms, nervous that I was caught in trance while working, and a little bit anxious thinking that he might get mad. I mentally prepared myself for scolding, stooping down low and nailing my head on the floor, I waited.

"Hey, it's fine Alex." He said lightly tapping my shoulder. "Is everything okay though? You look distracted." He commented, eyes assessing my erratic ones.

"Yes. I'm fine." I chirped feigning enthusiasm nodding in the process, although, I think he didn't buy what I said if his arched look is enough indication.

I'm so screwed.

"Ow-kay. Tell me if anything happens." Was his slow,  skeptical response. I saw how his eyes lingered for a moment before he gave me an encouraging smile-one that I mirrored-before walking away.

Sighing, I slapped my forehead.

Forget what he said Alex. Concentrate!

I can't  waste all of my time focusing on Daniel and the words he said.

I glanced around me to check if anyone else noticed. It'd be a shame to be caught dazing on the first week of the job. It's so wrong in so many levels too. Shaking the thought away, I began focusing on the job.

Night came and I went home exhausted. More tired than I was before, and I didn't even do much. I've only been on the first week and my body's already wearing out. I can't sleep early today because I got tons of written works to comply. Mr. Johann called my attention earlier giving me extra loads of paper works to do. I was tempted to say no because most of my subjects already gave me a lot of tasks to finish  and with the upcoming work immersion, I really have so much to work on.

Kneading my temples, I let out a yawn. I feel so tired I feel like I'd fall alseep the moment I reach home.

Series of groans left my mouth when I began stretching and massaging my shoulder blades. I felt tired all the more. I can barely see the side of the street I'm currently walking on with my heavy eyes.

Several steps from where I am, I saw a car parked outside my gate. I had to squint my eyes just to check the time on my wrist.

I'm certain it's Daniel.

I wonder why he's here. He never said he'd be here when he drove me to Allison's earlier.

Thinking about him, the thought that once bothered me earlier came to mind again. But upon seeing him close, with me slowly walking towards where he's currently seating-on his car, with hands carelessly dangling in between his parted legs-eyes watching mine intently-the thought that prevented me from sleeping last night, from concentrating in everything since earlier didn't bug me as much as it did on the previous seconds that passed by.

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