Chapter 2

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Monday morning only meant one thing-school day. I know what happened cannot be undone, that's why the logical part of my brain is-was trying to convince the agitated-anxious-antsy part to just let it go.

I did it.

We did it.

That's it.

There's no use fretting over something that was more than a day outdated already. Besides, a lot of things happen in college, and that includes stuffs you least expect.

Exactly, so stop fussing about it and get dressed, or you'll be late for class!

Pulling the dark shirt over my head, I tried locating the whereabouts of my shoes using my foot. I had to bend my other leg lightly so my toes could inch further under the bed.

Found it.

I slumped into the bed ignoring the creaks and squeaky complaints it's giving me.

Endure it buddy. You lasted for decades, I'm sure you'll last a few more.

Tying my shoelaces up, I took the bag then charged towards the door. I still have a few more minutes. If I ran faster, I'm pretty sure I can make it. Minutes later, I was panting my way into our scheduled room.

Thank goodness!

Easing my way through the large huddled group in front, I muttered several excuse me's while I pass. None of them seem to notice me or my presence though, as they look so engrossed with whatever it is that caught majority of the class' attention.

"Alex, here!" And there goes Jade. I smiled as I made my way through and towards to where the three of them are seated. Placing my back down on the desk, I exhaled deeply.

"Let me guess, you walked your way to school." Penny remarked.

"Or, ran her way to class." Chloe humored earning chuckles from the two.

Disregarding their comments, I flashed them a sweet smile. One that made their eyes roll.

"Sheeesh! Can somebody please escort Ms. Goody-two-shoes on her way out? We're at school, not in some kind of reverent institution!"

"I guess it can't be helped Penny, unfortunately you befriended a saint. She can't even curse."

"Ah-uh, that's where you're wrong Jade, she does know how to curse."

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the official commencement of the J.C.P gossip. Tune in if you find interest on their idle tattle.

"What, you think crap is a curse?! That's bullshit! If I were her, I'd tally all existing profanities man has ever made and then spat them to those motherfuckers who took her car, money, clothes-those good for nothing parasites deserve so much more than just my cussing!"

I cringed upon hearing Penny's livid indignation. You'd think someone stepped on her morals and then bruised her ego afterwards.

"That bitchy sister of yours better not be showing up or forgive me, I might pull those fake lashes off her large dopey eyes. Claw her foul-"

"Okay! Penny. We got it! You don't like Alex's step-sister. Although, I don't get why we're even considering their sibling-type-of relationship when they're not really sisters-okay partly! But.."

I was an illegitimate child.

"Was" because...just because.

My dad found my mom and then they had me. Nothing was really stolen because legally, all assets my dad possessed when he was still living clearly belonged to his family. Whatever dad gave me when he was still living became his family's property the moment he passed away. So there's really nothing to steal from in the first place.

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