Part 1

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Just another night of people feeling good and having fun. Jackson's townspeople were partying away, and they deserved it. After basically all civilization was wiped out and barely anyone left alive, these people were trying their best to build their little community and actually live, not just survive.

Ellie was there, drinking and chatting away with Dina and Jesse, planning a movie night at her house, trying to decide what movie they should watch. Tommy and Maria were enjoying themselves in each other's arms, swaying away through the pleasant and suave jazz tunes that were roaming in the room. Everyone looked at peace and for a moment, seeming to forget about their cotidian worries.


"Say, old man. Care for a drink with me?"

Joel was startled by the sudden appearance of a brunette woman, that was now sitting right beside him. He recognized her, he had seen her around town, giving people around a helping hand, and she would also perform at the bar every now and then, never paying her much attention, neither she him.

She came in so nonchalantly and firm, like they had talked before. He didn't refuse or shoo her away, he was rather puzzled someone had approached him.


"Whatever you're havin'."

"Pour another glass of gin, will ya, Seth?" he said softly. Seth obliged, putting the glass in front of Joel. He handed it to the woman.

She saw that he was kind of avoiding her with his look.

"Sorry if I startled you."

"It's alright."


"Figured you weren't a talkative one." she said, breaking the awkward silence, in sort of an apologetic tone, thinking she was bothering him.

"Sorry, I'm just thinking."

"What about?"

He lowered his head. Seeing that, she decided to change the topic.

"I see you here all the time, but you're alone quite often."

"So you thought perhaps I'd like some company?"

"Yes. Would you like some company?"

"...Yes." he said, smiling with the corner of his mouth, both taking a sip from their glasses.

"I'm Esther." she said, extending her hand out.

"Joel." taking her hand and shaking it. "You perform here sometimes, don't you?"

"I do. Do you like it?"

"Yeah, I do." he said, giving her a warm look.


"Do you want to come by and watch a movie with me tomorrow night? Say around 8 ish. I was thinking of watching Tango & Cash. What d'ya say?"

"I say you're a little too loud for me." he said, looking in her direction.

"And you're too quiet for me."

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