"There are some who would not deem it wise" Elrond said, handing the map back to Thorin.

"What do you mean?" Gandalf asked.

"You are not the only guardian to stand watch over Middle-Earth" Elrond replied.

(Y/n) looked over at her brother, confused. Bilbo gave her a small shrug, and they followed the others back inside Rivendell.

The next morning, after a good nights sleep and a wonderful breakfast, the small hobbits decided to explore the great city.

They came into a beautifully decorated room with a statue. It was holding something. (Y/n) stood on her tip toes and glanced at the object to find it was a sword. A broken sword. The pieces were laid out on a velvet cloth. It seemed to be very sharp. Bilbo looked too, and they shared a look of awe at the blade.

Looking to their right, they saw a painting. A very beautiful painting, depicting a man with a shaft of a sword facing off against a dark floating figure. It had a terrifying metal mask over its face, but the siblings noticed something peculiar. On its finger, was a ring. A golden ring. Although she was only seeing it by a painting, she could feel there was something terribly evil about this ring. Looking at it, it was as if she could hear the swords clanging together in battle, and the screams of victims that fell.

The hobbits continued on, walking over bridges and finding themselves in courtyards, simply standing and listening to the chirps of the birds. (Y/n) sighed in content, feeling the sun on her face.

They found themselves on a balcony, looking out at Rivendell. They heard someone speak next to them.

"Not with your companions?" Lord Elrond asked the two, startling them slightly.

"Uh, no, we- we shan't be missed" (Y/n) replied.

"The truth is that most of them don't think we should be on this journey" Bilbo added.

"Indeed" Elrond said quietly "I've heard that hobbits are very resilient"

Bilbo chuckled at that statement, and looked to see Elrond was being very serious.

"Really?" (Y/n) asked.

The elf nodded slightly, and said "I've also heard they're fond of the comforts of home"

"I've heard that it's unwise to seek the council of elves, that they will answer with yes and no" Bilbo said quietly. (Y/n) scrunched her face up in regret of her brother saying that, thinking that Elrond would take offence. But he lightly smiled at them both, and they both let out a breath of relief at him not being upset.

"You both are very welcome to stay here, if that is your wish" Elrond told them, placing a hand on Bilbo's shoulder. He then left, leaving the hobbits in shock. Stay in Rivendell? It certainly was a beautiful place, but could they leave the company?

"I'm going to keep looking around, Bilbo" (Y/n) said, beginning to walk away.

"Alright, but just don't go near the fountain" Bilbo said quickly.

"What? Why?" she asked, confused.

"Just... don't"

"... okay?"

Now she wanted to go near the fountain.

She never should have gone near the fountain.

Thirteen naked dwarves was not something she needed to see.

Later that night, the dwarves were gathered together around a fire they made from the wood furniture they found. Gandalf was speaking with Lord Elrond, and Bilbo and Thorin were elsewhere. (Y/n) and the others were laughing together, talking, eating, and having fun. She sat next to Kili, who was smoking his pipe. Bofur was cooking a sausage over the fire. He took it off the stick, and glanced at Bombur sitting on a wooden table.

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