Torture part 2

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§ Alec §

I felt him take her. I tried calling her name and crawling but I couldn't, I was weak and I still am. My whole body hurts, it feels like i've been ran over with a truck. My back aches, I can feel my muscles so tight they could snap any moment.

I stopped bleeding but I still have blood all over me, its dry by now but it's really uncomfortable and not hygienic.

My back is full of whiplashes, I lost count of how many slashes he gave me. He also threw so much ice cold water on me I thought I would die of pneumonia. He did other things but they're too much for me. He was so violent, the worst part was that he just took it as a game, he did it for fun.
That's sick. How can my Mandi be related to that monster?

I can hear her screaming. My poor baby girl. I wish I could do something but I can verily move. Im sorry love. I wish I could take your pain away. I would do anything for you, I love you.


I feel something touch me. I open one of my eyes and I see Mandi, passed out of the floor. I drag myself the rest of the way and just connect our foreheads.

"Goodnight baby" and I close my eyes falling asleep.


Its been a couple of days, every night were taken to that room, beaten and tortured, forced to see each other's pain. He makes us sit if fromt of the other while he beats us, cuts us, or whatever he comes up with in his sick mind. Then during the day when he's at work my mother comes and feeds us, and helps treat our wounds too.

The burned letters CM have healed, but still sting whenever he touches them or something like that, and the words on my chest are still healing.

Ive started to think on ways to escape. I have different ideas and plans they're all full of flaws but there's only one that's perfect. No flaws just the perfect escape plan.

Today we have just came back from the torture room... I dont know what to do.



"Have you thought of escaping?"

"Yes. But I cant think of anything. Have you?" He says full of hope.

"Yes. I think it could work"

So the next hour or so I spend it explaining the plan to him. We analyze every little detail, every flaw, every outcome.

We change and modify it, and by the time we finish, we have the perfect plan. We just need the perfect moment.

I really hope this plan works. All of our hope is in this plan, if it works we'll all be free from him.

Please God let this plan work. Please.

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