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    "Guys!  Which mask looks better,  the blue dragon or red dragon?"

    "That's a stupid question!  We're robbing a bank, for heaven's sake..."

    "Hmm.  I'm leaning towards the red one.  Red's super cool!"

    "I can't believe this."


    In a dark, cramped room, three men sat around in a circle by a chestnut brown table.  The air was thick with tension, and it was completely silent.

    "We need to to stop them.  They're a very dangerous group of men- and if we don't take action now... who knows what could happen in the future."  A man with slicked back blonde hair and a concerned glint in his blue gaze stated.  He placed his white-gloved hands onto the table in front of him with a slight grunt.  There were two men each with different expressions beside him who nodded in agreement.  

    "Hai, I agree.  It is really getting out of hand,"  a smaller man with darker features remarked.  His black brows were furrowed and the corners of his mouth were pulled downwards into a small frown.  "It is time to put them away for good."  The blonde man simply gave a small nod of his head in reply.  

    "Si!   They're so powerful!  And scary!"  the man with auburn brown locks of hair added, seemingly quivering with fear.  "Like Kiku said: the World Prison is our best chance.  They have the strongest security, the most intimidating guards, and I've never heard of anyone escaping there- not even once!"  The blonde and raven-haired man named Kiku exchanged glances momentarily, then the blonde one sighed. 

    "Ja, ja.  We have to catch them before the Allies do."


    "Shut your mouth you frog-eating bastard!"

    "Non!  You shut it, black sheep of Europe!"  The two kept to their arguing, much to the others' dislike.  They hurled insults and slurs at each other, and it was relentless. 

    "Aiyah!  Will you guys just be quiet already?!  We have important matters to talk about!"  a man with a jet-black ponytail hissed through clenched teeth.  His hands were balled up into two tight fists resting on top of the long table.  The two said men immediately looked over and stopped their fighting, though both with slightly surprised faces.  The surrounding Allies in the room grew relieved that someone had stepped in.  Then, an image of five familiar men was displayed on a large screen at the front of the room.  The picture flickered every now and then, but it was still fairly easy to identify the males being shown.   The Allies all studied the faces at the front of the room for a good amount of time, when one of the blondes who had been fighting earlier opened his mouth.

    "Mathias Køhler, Lukas Bondevik, Emil Steilsson, Berwald Oxensteirna, and Tino Väinämöinen."  He readjusted his forest green tie, and cleared his throat.  His emerald eyes sparkled, intrigued by the men in the picture.  "This infamous group call themselves the Nordic Dragons.  They've committed many, many, crimes.  Murder.  Robbery.  Assault.  Kidnapping, illegal drug use, stolen prohibited weapons, and the list goes on."  He watched as his companions' eyes grew wide with each crime he added.

    "Woah.  Dude- that's a lot of crimes!  How many prisons did you say they've been to?"  Another blonde male inquired.  He had spectacles and a black tuxedo and matching red tie.  Shock was evident in his eyes.  

    "Well- Alfred- to answer your question: I'm sure quite a lot.  This information we were given... doesn't mention a lot of what we need."  He rubbed his rather large brows with a discontented groan.  "This is ridiculous," he muttered, rising from his seat and pacing across the room, mumbling things to himself under his breath.  Others watched with curiosity.

    "They're also super young.  It's pretty crazy being that age- and having been to so many prisons.  And escaping every one... eh?"  a blonde almost identical to Alfred softly pointed out.  A man with long wavy golden hair cracked a smile.

    "That's my Mattie!  It is strange,"  he cooed.  Matthew's face grew pink with the use of his nickname.  "We should do something, oui?"  He spoke the minds of everyone in the room.

    "Well yeah, Francis.  I say we kick it up a notch, y'know?"  Alfred's mouth formed into a cocky grin.  The big-browed blonde's face fell as he saw Alfred shout.  The other Allies moved in closer, wanting to hear what the American had to say.  They shook with anticipation.  Once Alfred was sure he had his comrades' attention, he began.  "Let's take 'em to the World Prison!" he declared, pumping his fist in the air.  A chorus of gasps erupted from the group of nations.  Only the worst of the worst were taken to the World Prison.  And if you were sent there, you better forget coming back- because escape is impossible.  Very few people got sent there though.  It was strictly built to contain the world's most feared terror wreaking groups and individuals.  Once they went in, they were never heard of again.  No one even knew where the prison was- it was just that mysterious and chilling.  

    "Surely the Axis has the same idea.  Since Ludwig is with them, he's bound to have thought of the same thing.  Can we really risk it?"  

    "It is the only thing we have!  Even if it's kinda insane!"

    "Da, Alfred's idea is our only choice.  I don't see any other options."

    "Yeah, the Axis definitely has the same idea.  Anndddddd that's exactly why we gotta get to the Nordic Dragons before they do!" exclaimed Alfred.  The other nations understood.  

    "But aren't we taking them to the same place..?  Why can't we just work together to capture them.  It'd make everything simpler,"  Matthew suggested.

   "Well, yeah.  If we get them first, we can totally brag about it to their loser faces!"  he snickered, then shortly noticed the unimpressed looks on everyone's faces.  "And money.  Did I mention we get lots of money?"  

    "They're a world threat.  It says here they're planning a huge robbery at the World Bank soon," the British blonde ran his slender finger down a sheet of paper with info on the Nordic Dragons.  "We must imprison them before anything more happens.  That should be our first stop."  The group silently agreed.  

    "Alrighty!  It's official then, we leave to get those Nordic Dragons first thing tomorrow morning!"


Escapees of World Prison [DENMARK]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum