Chapter 9

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A month later...

Akash and Arohi had rarely seen each other since Arohi had gone abroad for a trip and she was finally back.

Akash was on the way to Arohis house with a bouquet of flowers. He reached and parked the car and walked up to her house. He reached her floor and knocked on the door.

Arohi opened the door. She was in her regular shorts and hoodie. She squealed and hugged him. "I missed you so so sooooo much," she whispered in her ear.

She pulled out. "Here," he handed her the bouquet of roses and entered the house. She placed the bouquet on the table and sat beside him on the couch.

Arohi looked at him to see him playing with his hands. "I heard you found a new friend. Abhi right?" he asked. She sighed and held his hand. "Baby I-" she was cut off.

"I know you are gonna say sorry or it's not what you think it is but how about let me ask you a question," he said and took his hand away.

"How would you feel if you saw a picture of me with another girl and when you call me. I don't answer but I have time for my friend?" he said.

Arohi turned his head so he was facing her. "I was not ignoring your calls. I just didn't have time," she said. "Yeah, sure," he scoffed and stood up.

"You know, maybe....maybe," he strayed off. "What?" she asked, standing up. "Maybe you finally realise that I can never be good enough to be your boyfriend," he said with a smile full of pain.

Arohi quickly walked to him and held his face. "Don't say that. You are the best man I have every had. I know I have no valid reason to not pick up your calls. But I really was busy. My only free time was at night and Abhi would ask me out every night," she said.

Just then, her phone rang. But she didn't even look at it. She was just looking at Akash who was hurt. And she was the cause. "Your phone," he said. "It can wait," she said.

But the call kept coming so she had to pick it up. "Hello?" she said. "Abhi.... Ya.... Umm...give me a moment," she said and muted the call.

Akash smiled at her. "He asked you out?" he asked. Arohi had never ever felt that guilty in her life. "Go, I need to go get some work done anyway. Have a," he said.

"No. I am not coming," Arohi said on the phone and walked to Akash. "Why did you decline. You have fun with him don't you. You should go. I need to go get some work done," he said.

"Stop it. Stop saying stuff like that. You are making me very guilty. I know I have been an asswhole to you. I am sorry. I don't love him baby. I love you, more than anything," she said and hugged him tightly.

"I miss you. And now when I finally get to hug you, I don't want any other thirdweeler between us," she said. She then felt arms around her waist and a head in her neck.

"I just hated seeing you and him hanging out. I didn't like it. And you didn't even pick up my calls. I thought...never mind," he sighed. "You thought what?" she asked.

"I thought you fell in love with him," he said. "I would never ever fall in love with someone else. You know why?" she asked. "Why?" "Cause that person is not you," she said.

He pulled out and kissed her. She kissed him back. They kissed for a good 5 minutes and then they finally sat on the couch. "I need to tell Abhi that I don't want to go out with him anymore cause my boyfriend Will get jelly," she teased.

"I was not jealous... Just insecure," he said. She smiled, her big baby. And just like that, they spent the whole day in her apartment.

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