Not So Happy Campers part 1

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I'm standing right at the very front of the boat, feet on top of the first metal bar of the barrier with my arms stretched out on either side of me.

The wind is blowing through my hair making me feel like I'm flying but I suddenly find myself falling forward and have to jump down back onto the deck before I fell.

Looking up from my shoes, I make out the run down island I'd be staying at for the next few weeks.

Looks like an environmental disaster waiting to happen. I thought to myself.

As the boat pulls up to the dock, I take notice of a taller guy and a blonde girl holding back another player who seems to be the loud, large and in charge type.

She looked ready to pummel the skinny ginger while he did some geeky slicing motion with his hand.

"Woah, what did I miss?" The commotion stops and the host, who I assume to be Chris McClain, introduces me. "Welcome our thrill seeker! Jamie!" I pick up my duffle bag and make my way over to the group of people with a smile edged on my face.

"What's got you so happy?" A guy with a green mohawk asks me mockingly. "Did you see the cliff when you pulled up? I'm so jumping that while I'm here." He gives me a bit of a shocked expression but before he can try talking to me again, I lean over to talk to the blonde girl from before on my right.

"Think you'd be willing to teach me how to surf while we're here?" I point at the board in her hands. She get an excited look on her face before exclaiming "Gladly! I'm Brigette." I shake her hand before turning back to Chris to see who else I'll be competing against.

After me, came 2 girls in matching outfits named Katie and Sadie. They seemed to be best friends and squealed quite a bit. Appropriate.

Next was a home school kid named Ezekiel. He pretty much had no idea what was going on and was apparently raise by freaky prairie people. Eshhh.

Next was an average looking boy named Cody that might have just discovered puberty as he immediately tried flirting with all the girls.

Then came someone who actually seemed to pose a threat in the competition. Eva. A complete body builder who seemed to have nothing but dumbbells' in her suitcase. She, I might need to worry about.

Things were beginning to get little quiet when suddenly the biggest ball of happiness stepped on the dock. "Woo-Hoo!" Owen. He was basically the embodiment of pure excitement and joy. He used 'Awesome' a lot.

Next was someone bound to get under my skin, her name was Courtney. She was the stand up straight and do as your told type. On the bright side she was very punctual but that could also mean manipulative.

If you know what to say, people will almost always listen.

Then came Justin. He was a gorgeous man with bright blue eyes. Apparently he was picked for his looks alone. The thing was, his face was so symmetrical it looked almost alien like.

I'd never thought people in magazines actually looked that good but today I was proven wrong.

Izzy. What to say about Izzy.
Well she seemed to be the only person here who might be willing jump the cliff with me. That is, if she isn't horribly injured after smacking her chin off the dock.

I run over with Courtney to pull her up. After establishing that she's okay and her talking rapidly about the summer camp, I exclaim "That was cool." and high five her.

"Alright campers. First things first." Chris starts "We need a group photo for the promos. Everyone on the end of the dock!"

We all make our way over causing the boards to creek a little as we all got into position for the photo.

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